Department of Railway Engineering and Construction,
Department of Track and Track Facilities
Specialist’s program

SPIRIDONOV, Ernst Serafimovich
Head of the Department of Railway Engineering and Construction

ASHPIZ, Evgenii Samuilovich
Head of the Department of Track and Track Facilities
Awards and achievements of the educational program. The educational program is accredited and has a 120-year history. The degree-granting departments of the institute (the Department of Track and Track Facilities, the Department of Bridges, the Department of Underground Structures) were often highly rated for high quality of training. The textbook “Railway Engineering Management. Methods, Principles, Efficiency” written by E.S. Spiridonov and T.V. Shepitko, Professors of one of the five degree-granting departments (Construction Arrangement, Technology and Management) was awarded a laureate diploma of the international congress expo “Global Education—Education Without Borders
Russian University of Transport also offers a Bachelor’s program in Civil Engineering.
Teaching staff. The department employs highly qualified staff including Doctors and Candidates of Sciences. The teachers regularly improve their qualification according to the Top-100 program of the Russian Railways company, at operating units of the Russian Railways company, at construction companies and construction facilities of
University partners within the educational program. The university cooperates with numerous transportation, engineering and construction companies such as the Russian Railways company,
Alumni’s achievements. Alumni are in great demand among construction, engineering and scientific companies. For example, the Giprotransput research and design institute employs over 95% of alumni of the
The outstanding alumni include I.V. Hak, Director General of the SGK Transstroy Yamal construction company, from a renowned family of railroad constructors (five generations specialized in this field); A.V. Bobrikov, Director General of the Giprostroymost Institute, a third-generation bridge builder, and many others.
Facilities and resources. The university has the following facilities: a computer park, a research cryogenic laboratory, a track testing laboratory, a bridge testing laboratory, a geological museum, a centrifuge (physical simulation), a library fund. There are state-of-the-art lecture halls with multimedia equipment, computer classrooms, student dormitories, an outpatient clinic, the House of Culture and the House of Sports of the Russian University of Transport including a track-and-field facility, a big playground (volleyball, basketball, futsal), men-only and women-only gyms, a weightlifting gym, an artistic gymnastics gym, a swimming pool, a fencing gym, a shooting gallery, a boxing hall; a football arena of the Institute of Track, Construction and Structures.
Opportunities for students. Students regularly participate and win prizes in regional and all-Russian olympiads in strength of materials, theoretical mechanics, construction materials. They take an active part in student exchange programs (
Students sponsored by the Russian Railways receive supplementary education according to the author’s class program. The department annually publishes a collection of scientific papers of students, postgraduates, and scientists.
Students undertake their annual work placement at operating units of the Russian Railways, the Moscow Metro, at construction companies such as Mosmetrostroy, Mostotrest, Mosinzhproekt, at administrative departments and divisions of railways, departments of engineering companies, laboratories and departments of research companies, on construction trains and in construction trusts, in bridge construction crews and at tunnel construction departments, etc. Students can undertake work placement in construction brigades, going out for construction, reconstruction and running maintenance of unique facilities (Baikal-Amur Mainline, Trans-Siberian Railway, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, the Kerchensky bridge). As early as during their work placement students solve production tasks and get paid jobs. Employer-sponsored students (about 70% of the student population) are employed at sponsoring organizations, others are employed with the assistance of the university. The rate of alumni employment within their degree field is 98-99%.
The specialist graduation certificate is recognized all over the world, which allows specialists to pursue a Master’s or postgraduate degree in universities of
Employment prospects. Alumni work in the field of location, design, construction, operation, running maintenance, repairs, reconstruction of transport facilities such as railway track, bridges, railway tunnels and metros, high-speed railway lines.
Alumni fill engineering vacancies at the Russian Railways company and at major engineering and construction companies such as Giprostroymost, Giprotransmost, Mostotrest, Transinzhstroy, Roszheldorproekt, USK Most, etc.