Architecture in Industrial University of Tyumen
Department of Architecture and Urban Planning
Bachelor's program

PANFILOV Aleksandr Vladimirovich
Head of the Department
Achievements and awards. Students annually become winners of contests of student scientific papers and graduation theses. The department's excellence in principal subjects teaching is annually recognized at international review contests of architectural and design schools.
Teaching staff. The lead instructors of the department are members of creative unions such as the Union of Artists of Russia and the Union of Architects of Russia, have academic degrees and titles, and are experienced in designing various architecture, city planning and design facilities. The academic degree holders rate is 72%.
Facilities and resources. The university has a computer classroom equipped with PCs and state-of-the-art specialized software.
Research. The department develops the following research areas: comprehensive research on nomadic and adaptive architecture of residential buildings and settlements under the conditions of increased extremality (A.V. Panfilov, Associate Professor); national, ecclesiastical and local forms of architecture: traditions, evolutionary processes, semiotics (V.N. Evseev, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor); comprehensive research on architecture of residential and public buildings (V.N. Panfilov, Professor).
Education. Taking into account particular characteristics of the Architecture program, the project teaching method is applied.
Strategic partners. The university cooperates with enterprises such as the IST Architectural and engineering team, the Tyumenproekt design company, the Workshop of architect A.V. Tabanakov, the Geoproekt engineering research company, the City Institute of House Design, the Grad engineering company, the SibSpetsStroy Restavratsia design company, administrative authorities of municipal entities of Tyumen, Tobolsk, Ishim, and specialized universities and their structural divisions such as Moscow Architectural Institute, Novosibirsk State University of Architecture, Design and Arts, the Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning of Voronezh State Technical University, Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Pacific National University, the Institute of Architecture and Construction of Irkutsk National Research Technical University, the Faculty of Architecture of Belarusian National Technical University, the Department of Architecture of Local Cultures of Bialystok University of Technology (Poland), Brandenburg University of Technology (Germany), Northeast Petroleum University (China).
International projects and programs. Students and employees of the department participate in the educational projects jointly implemented by IUT, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno (
Competitive advantages. The department employs unique teaching staff which includes the representatives of various architectural schools of