Biology in Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after K.I. Scriabin
Master's program (Molecular Biology and Biophysics major)
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biology
Tel. + 7 495 377-91-67
Awards and achievements. Prize-winning places in the All-Russian best research paper competition for students, postgraduate students, and young researchers from universities of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, in the All-Russian contest "Young Innovators of Agrarian Russia," international intellectual contests for students, postgraduate students, doctoral students, and other research paper contests of different levels.
Teaching staff. The program is delivered by highly qualified teachers, including 27 Candidates of Sciences, 11 Doctors of Sciences, one Corresponding Member of the RAS. Heads of top-ranked scientific schools, laureates of the Russian Government Award in Science and Technology, textbook authors are also engaged in the teaching process.
Facilities and resources. Microscopes, centrifuges, culture and virology cabinets, DNA cabinets, PCR cabinets, cell cultutes, chicken embryos, laboratory animals, amplifiers, transilluminators, hemiluminometers, autoclaves, dry heat sterilizers, etc. Laboratories of the Department of Radiation Biology and Virology, the Department of Chemistry, laboratories of immuno-biotechnology, immunogenetics and DNA technologies, cell culture, immunochemical studies, biochemistry, biophysics, radiation biology, microbiology. Computer classrooms.
Research. Development, pre-clinical trials and introduction of new diagnostic agents and medicinal products to combat infectious diseases of animals, genetically engineered and immunochemical systems for identifying biological pathogens, monitoring of pathogen genetic diversity.
Education. Visualization lectures, problem-based lectures and seminars, discussion seminars, case methods, problem-solving business games, research activities, e-learning and distance learning technologies applied in the format of webinars and asynchronously using the resources of the Academy’s educational portal.
Strategic partners. Research institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Health of Russia, and the RAS, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian State Agrarian University-Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, agribusiness enterprises, Shchelkovsky Meat Processing Plant, the Central Scientific and Methodical Veterinary Laboratory, commercial institutions, animal clinics, All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine named after K.I. Scriabin and Y.R. Kovalenko, All-Russian Research and Technological Institute of Biological Industry, the Federal Center for Animal Health, the Russian State Center for Animal Feed and Drug Standardization and Quality, etc.
International projects and programs. Students take an active part in the academic mobility program. The Academy cooperates with the universities, research institutes, and other organizations of Germany, Serbia, the USA, the Czech Republic, Gambia, Senegal, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Belarus, etc.
Competitive advantages. This faculty is Russia's only faculty that trains specialists in veterinary medicine and biology. There are leading scientific schools of virology, radiation biology, immunology. Graduates work at research institutes, enterprises of different forms of incorporation, educational institutions of secondary and higher education. They hold leadership positions at major enterprises and government agencies.