State and Municipal Management in State University of Humanities and Social Studies

Bachelor’s program


Faculty of History, Management and Service


Dean’s Office
+7 (496) 610-15-35


Accreditation. State accreditation certificate: series 90А01 №0003565, Reg. №3349 of March 13, 2020 valid till March 13, 2026.

Awards and achievements. The State and Municipal Management program is listed annually among the best educational programs of Russia. The State University of Humanities and Social Studies is ranked among the Top 100 universities according to RAEX, among “The Best Universities of Russia” and is listed on the National Register of “Leading Educational Institutions of Russia.”

Teaching staff. Among the teachers involved in the educational process are three Doctors of Sciences, Professors and 19 Candidates of Sciences as well as four teachers working for state and municipal institutions. The academic staff focuses on a practical approach and current research.

Facilities and resources. The university has all of the facilities, resources and laboratories necessary for efficient delivery of the educational program and students’ recreational activities. Students also have access to the federal learning resources.

Education. Prospective government and municipal officials gain knowledge in areas including management systems (Russian and foreign), forecasting and design, legal fundamentals, territorial marketing, innovation management, paperwork management, statistics, demography, economic theory and foreign language. Much attention is given to the practical training of prospective managers. Students undertake their work placements in their third and fourth years of study at the state and municipal authorities in the Moscow Region.

Research. Teachers’ research has been supported by grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. The authors have become laureates of the federal contest for the best monograph.

Competitive advantages. The university maintains close relations with Russian scientific institutions and top universities. It also maintains ongoing international cooperation with the educational institutions in Belarus, Hungary, China, and other countries.

Employers and employment. Students take an active part in the activities of municipal youth election committees, councils of young deputies and volunteer centers. They also take part in competitions aimed at developing the citizen’s initiative including A Vision of the
Future of Russia; Nights over Volga and Russia 2035. Students also attend educational tour workshops at the Federation Council and the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the Moscow Regional Duma.

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