HED magazine № 10 (30) 2023
More recently, the development of cooperation in education and science between the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and Russia has been discussed at top levels. And today we can already say that plans for such cooperation are taking shape.
Articles of the issue

№ 10 (30) 2023
Books. Contemporary Russian literature
Russian culture is diverse and rich, and it is difficult to imagine that we can get acquainted with it without immersion in Russian literature.

№ 10 (30) 2023
Education in Russia for Argentinian Citizens
Olga Muratova, Director of the Russian House in Buenos Aires, talks about why Argentinians come to study in Russia and which fields of study they choose.

№ 10 (30) 2023
Education in Russia for Brazilian Citizens
Andrei Prokin, Head of the Russian House in Brasilia, talks about the Russian House's activities in general and about the enrollment campaign for those applying to Russian universities.

№ 10 (30) 2023
Education in Russia for Chilean Citizens
Today, Chileans rediscover Russia and Russians. Nina Milovidova, Head of the Rossotrudnichestvo Representatitive Office in Chile talks about the role of the Russian House in Santiago in this process.

№ 10 (30) 2023
Education in Russia for Mexican Citizens
Tatiana Bogdanova, Head of the Russian House in Mexico, talks about the advantages, prospects, and logistical difficulties.

№ 10 (30) 2023
Education in Russia for Nicaraguan Citizens
The HED editorial team asked the Rossotrudnichestvo Representative in Nicaragua Sofia Kharbikh about how the enrollment campaign is held in this country and which fields of study are chosen by Nicaraguan applicants.

№ 10 (30) 2023
Education in Russia for Peruvian Citizens
Acting Head of the Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Office in Lima (Peru) Alexandra Egorova talks about admission of Peruvian citizens in more detail.

№ 10 (30) 2023
Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University
Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University is the first transport higher education institution in Russia.

№ 10 (30) 2023
Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg
National Research University Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg is the St. Petersburg campus of the leading research university in Russia.

№ 10 (30) 2023
Kemerovo State Medical University
The university graduates' professional qualification will be recognized abroad. They will be able to participate in international medical projects and continue their education at the partner universities worldwide.

№ 10 (30) 2023
Kuban State University
Thanks to its educational success and achievements, research and educational activities, KubSU is rightfully considered one of the top universities in the south of Russia.

№ 10 (30) 2023
Moscow State Linguistic University
MSLU is a modern university for humanities with a rich 90-year history, the linguistic education center which trains first-class specialists and conducts basic and applied research.

№ 10 (30) 2023
Moscow State University of Technology "STANKIN"
The leading technological university for digital mechanical engineering, a first-class research center. The university trains unique specialists using individual learning paths and a project-based approach to designing a curriculum.

№ 10 (30) 2023
Novosibirsk State Technical University
NSTU NETI is one of the major research and education centers in Russia. As early as while studying, students can work at promising companies in Russia and all over the world.

№ 10 (30) 2023
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University
Pirogov RNRMU is a leading medical university in the Russian Federation that trains physicians, pharmacists, clinical psychologists, social workers, and research staff.

№ 10 (30) 2023
Russia – LAC countries*: Prospects for Educational Cooperation
More recently, the development of cooperation in education and science between the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and Russia has been discussed at top levels.

№ 10 (30) 2023
Russian music for our pleasure… and for learning the language
Listening to the songs of various peoples, we get acquainted with their history, character, lifestyle, and mentality. In this issue, we will open the door to the world of the musical and song culture of Russia.

№ 10 (30) 2023
South Ural State University
South Ural State University is one of the Russian higher education leaders, the region's center for innovative development in Digital Industry, Material Science, and Ecology.

№ 10 (30) 2023
Ufa State Petroleum Technological University
One of the leading technical universities in Russia, a flagship university of Gazprom and Sibur Holding, a strategic partner of Rosneft Oil Company.
Russian universities participating in the issue
Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University
Kemerovo State Medical University
Kuban State University
Moscow State Linguistic University
Moscow State University of Technology STANKIN
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University
South Ural State University
Ufa State Petroleum Technological University