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№ 5 (11) 2021
Samara State Technical University. Master's degree
Samara State Technical University is a major research and education center in the region that trains specialists for power engineering, oil and gas engineering, chemical and petrochemical industry, mechanical engineering.
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№ 5 (11) 2021
Adyghe State University. Acquaintance
Adyghe State University develops an intelligent, well-rounded, and competitive personality based on the integration of education, science, and innovations.
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№ 5 (11) 2021
Voronezh State Medical University. Acquaintance
Voronezh State Medical University named after N. N. Burdenko offers high-quality education and conducts R&D in medicine, biology, and pharmacy. 10% of annual scientific events are held with international participation.
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№ 5 (11) 2021
Perm National Research Polytechnic University. Acquaintance
PNRPU provides high-quality training in a wide range of fields of study and majors related to natural sciences, engineering, technology, economics and management, social sciences and humanities.
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№ 5 (11) 2021
Promising programs offered by Baikal State University
Young people from all over the world, focused on their career development, can continue their education pursuing English-taught Master's programs in Banking and Finance and International Management offered by Baikal State University.
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№ 5 (11) 2021
Promising programs offered by Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia offers an English-taught Master's program in Theory and Practice of Linguistics Research.
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