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№ 1 (12) 2022
With The Love Of Russia, For The Benefit Of Africa
Issa Togo is a graduate of Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University, Associate Professor at the Department of Water Management and Hydrotechnical Construction of SPbPU Institute of Civil Engineering.
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Studying In Russia For Free Is Real!
Free education at Russian universities is available to all foreign citizens. They just have to choose a suitable admission option. There are several ways to get a state-funded place. Read about these ways in the new HED issue!
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№ 5 (11) 2021
Speaking and writing Russian
Today our regular column about the Russian language covers the recommendations from specialists of Siberian Federal University for mastering the language by students from different countries.
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№ 5 (11) 2021
FESTU participation in grant competitions is a tradition
Every year the university, its students, and staff members get grant support to implement research and social projects. There is hard work behind it.
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№ 5 (11) 2021
How To Come From India To Siberia And Become A Potanin Scholarship Holder
In 2021, the Master's student at Reshetnev SibSU Nischal passed competitive selection and won the scholarship competition. He is pursuing a Master’s program in Data Management and is keen on cutting-edge artificial intelligence technologies.
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№ 5 (11) 2021
Reasons To Take Part In The Scholarship Competition
The scholarship is paid from the moment of announcing the winners till the end of Master’s studies but for at most 18 months for first-year students and at most six months for second-year Master’s students.
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