secondary vocational education programs
graduates from 80 countries
KubSTU is a leading technical university in the South of Russia. It trains specialists for oil and gas extraction, machine building, technology, power industry, civil engineering, road transport, economic, social enterprises and organizations.
KubSTU is a major research and education center that harmoniously combines century-old traditions of Russian higher education and modern innovative approaches.
- Armavir Institute of Mechanics and Technology
- Novorossiysk Polytechnic Institute
VK – @kubstu_official
Telegram – @study_kubstu
Video about KubSTU
Popular fields of study
- Heat Power Engineering
- Oil and Gas Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Electric Power Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Highways
- Land Use Planning and Cadastres
- Transport Processes
- Operation of Machines and Complexes
- Land Transport Technology
- Machines and Equipment
- Machinery Production
- Refrigeration and Cryogenic Technology
- Informatics and Computer Engineering
- Software Engineering
- Production Automation
- Food Processing
- Foodservice Technology
- Service and Tourism
- Sociology
- Economics
- Management
- Technosphere Safety
- Standardization and Certification
- Control in Engineering Systems
The language of instruction at KubSTU is Russian.
KubSTU is the engineering education leader in Kuban.

Graduation ceremony for international students
- Oil, Gas and Power Engineering
- Computer Systems and Information Security
- Food and Processing Industry
- Mechanics, Robotics, Engineering of Transport and Technological Systems
- Construction and Transport Infrastructure
- Economics, Mamagement and Business
- Fundamental Sciences
- Engineering and Technology
Entrance exams
Bachelor's and Specialist's programs
- state-funded places – three entrance exams in major subjects or the results of Unified State Exams (at the option of applicants)
- fee-paying places – two entrance exams in Mathematics and Russian language (as part of the enrollment competition for foreign citizens)
Master's programs
- one entrance exam in the form of written test
KubSTU Admission Office for Foreign Citizens
+7 861 274-68-11
Room А523, Bld. A, Moskovskaya street, Kransnodar, 350072
Preparatory department
Study areas:
- engineering and technology
- economics
- humanities
The groups include up to 10 people. Classes are conducted 4-8 academic hours a day 5-6 days a week.
Duration 1 year
+7 8612 55-85-23
Young researchers, students and PhD students of KubSTU are holders of the Russian President scholarships, the Russian Government scholarships, the Krasnodar Territory scholarships for talented young people, personal scholarships from foundations, enterprises and organizations. They are participants of the acceleration program supported by the Innovations Development Foundation of the Krasnodar Territory. Their innovative projects are among the winners of grant federal contests such as Startup Tour, UMNIK, Student Startup, the governor's contest of youth innovative projects “IQ of the Year Award”, the Innovative Krasnodar municipal contest, and many others.
KubSTU educational portal for foreign citizens

Congratulation from KubSTU nternational students on the Day of Russia
Student life
- Intellectual club “Imitation of the Mind”
- Mathematical club “К-dimensional Vector”
- Discussion club “Tet-a-tet”
- Cybersport club
- Media center
- Student scientific society
- Ecological club “Green Krasnodar”
- International friendship club
- Spark educational association
- 6 student labor brigades
- 8 student councils of institutes and college
- The Polytechnic sports center: 27 sports clubs
- Volunteer team “From Heart to Heart”
- Center for the Development of Volunteering and Student Initiatives (projects: “We will Give a World of Knowledge to Children,” “KubSTU Culture Volunteers,” “Health Volunteers,” “Friendship of Peoples,” and others)
- 10 university buildings, 5 dormitories, the Polytechnic sports center
- The State Engineering Center for High Technologies and Food Security, the KubSTU-Schneider Electric training center, the technology park
- Three museums, the training restaurant, the Danfoss-Krasnodar training center, the Business School, the student innovation business incubator, the Financial Literacy Center

Dormitory for international students
KubSTU Career Development Center
- Provides access to both full-time and part-time job vacancies at the top companies in Krasnodar, the Krasnodar Territory and entire Russia
- Provides assistance in making an individual career map and writing a resume and assists in job or internship search
- Gives information on events held at KubSTU (employers' presentations, hackathons, forums, and Career Days) and information on employment and career building and offers consultations on professional and personal advancement
- Interfestival is an annual festival of international students’ creativity. It strengthens friendship and mutual understanding between Russian and international students and offers the opportunity to get acquainted with ethnic culture and art of various countries within the university walls.
- Additional activities and tours (acquaintance with the Krasnodar Territory, acquaintance with the culture and history of Russia and Kuban), visiting museums, theaters, exhibitions, walking sightseeing tours around the main attractions of the city, which are aimed at familiarizing international students with Russian culture, everyday life, festivals and traditions.