Magazine cover issue 33

HED magazine № 2 (33) 2024

Russian House: Welcome Promotion of Russian education and popularization of the Russian language abroad through the Russian Houses. Migration registration in Russia. Reviews of the leading universities in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, and other regions of Russia. The issue is presented in six languages: Russian, English, French, Spanish, Chinese, and Arabic. Choose the language you need on the language bar in the top right corner of the page.

Articles of the issue

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№ 2 (33) 2024
Belgorod State University
The university trains specialists in natural sciences, humanities, engineering sciences, pedagogy, and medical sciences.
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№ 2 (33) 2024
Derzhavin Tambov State University
Derzhavin Tambov State University is the region’s leading classical university with a hundred years' history and rich research and educational potential.
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№ 2 (33) 2024
Far Eastern State Transport University
FESTU graduates create new machines and equipment, manage the transport process, do business and carry out international transportation, design automated control systems, build railways and engineering structures.
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№ 2 (33) 2024
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
One of the oldest Russian universities training economists, financiers, financial lawyers, mathematicians, IT specialists, sociologists, political scientists, linguists, psychologists, philosophers, marketing experts.
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№ 2 (33) 2024
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
Sechenov University has built an educational model where the research component is integrated into the program from the very beginning of studies.
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№ 2 (33) 2024
Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H. M. Berbekov
The classical university of Kabardino-Balkaria and one of the largest universities in the North Caucasus. KBSU is listed among the Russian universities offering degrees in Dentistry and General Medicine recognized in the Arab Republic of Egypt.
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№ 2 (33) 2024
Kuban State Technological University
It trains specialists for oil and gas extraction, machine building, technology, power industry, civil engineering, road transport, economic, social enterprises and organizations.
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№ 2 (33) 2024
Migration Regulations: from Invitation to Entry
Coming to study in Russia is inextricably linked with the rules for crossing the borders and staying in Russia. Now we are going to tell you about the migration procedures.
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№ 2 (33) 2024
Moscow State University of Technology "STANKIN"
The leading technological university for digital mechanical engineering, a first-class research center. The university trains unique specialists using individual learning paths and a project-based approach to designing a curriculum.
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№ 2 (33) 2024
National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University"
The university provides training in all areas of the oil and gas industry: exploration, extraction, transportation, processing of oil and gas, creation of technology and information support for engineering processes.
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№ 2 (33) 2024
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University
Pirogov RNRMU is a leading medical university in the Russian Federation that trains physicians, pharmacists, clinical psychologists, social workers, and research staff.
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№ 2 (33) 2024
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics is one of the leading universities in Russia. The university is the oldest higher education institution for economics with more than 115 years of history.
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№ 2 (33) 2024
Russian Foreign Trade Academy
The Academy graduates become professionals in international trade, international finance and international economic law.
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№ 2 (33) 2024
Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation
SUAI is one of Russia's and the world's leading academic organizations in the field of aerospace systems, control systems, state-of-the-art educational technologies.
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№ 2 (33) 2024
Saint Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation
The University of Civil Aviation is the largest Russian aviation education center with a well-developed branch network in Khabarovsk, Yakutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Buguruslan, Vyborg.
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№ 2 (33) 2024
Saint Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design
Saint Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design (PROMTECHDESIGN) is the leading university of digital design and industrial technologies.
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№ 2 (33) 2024
Saratov State University
Saratov University is an internationally recognized university, the leading scientific and methodological center included in the global educational and research area. It actively integrates education, science and innovation activity.
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№ 2 (33) 2024
South Ural State University (National Research University)
South Ural State University is one of the Russian higher education leaders, the region's center for innovative development in Digital Industry, Material Science, and Ecology.
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№ 2 (33) 2024
State University of Land Use Planning
The SULUP is Russia’s only higher education institution where you can find all Earth-related fields of study.
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№ 2 (33) 2024
The City of Tambov
Continuing the journey through immense Russia, we invite readers to visit the city of Tambov, a fascinating city with a rich history, eventful cultural life and beautiful sights.
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№ 2 (33) 2024
Transbaikal State University
TSU is a multidisciplinary educational, scientific and innovative center that provides multi-level training of specialists for industrial enterprises, state and municipal authorities, and security, defense and law enforcement agencies.
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№ 2 (33) 2024
Tula State University
Tula State University (TulSU) is one of the largest universities in Central Russia and the leading scientific and educational center in the Tula Region.
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№ 2 (33) 2024
Tver State Medical University
Tver State Medical University is one of the advanced medical universities in the Russian Federation.
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№ 2 (33) 2024
Vladivostok State University
Vladivostok State University (VVSU) is one of the leaders of the higher education in the Russian Far East and a symbol of high-quality and competitive education.
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№ 2 (33) 2024
Volgograd State Technical University
Volgograd State Technical University is a large scientific center in the south of Russia and one of the country's leading technical universities.
Russian House
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№ 2 (33) 2024
“That Friendship is Strong that is Sealed by Deed”
Rossotrudnichestvo is a federal state agency that mainly aims to promote the humanitarian and cultural values of Russia internationally.
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