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№ 1 (12) 2022
Interviews With Quota Applicants Applying For Arts Programs
Saint-Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design (SPbSUITD) takes an active part in selecting international applicants for studying at Russian universities within the Russian Government quota.
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№ 1 (12) 2022
Compatriot Status
How can you know that you have compatriot status? That's quite simple – permanent residence abroad is a mandatory initial condition here. Moreover, you must have no residence permit or temporary residence permit.
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№ 1 (12) 2022
International Education Agreements
Is your country listed among the states that signed education cooperation agreements with Russia? If your country has an agreement with Russia, inquire if you are eligible for participation in the competition for state-funded places.
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№ 1 (12) 2022
How To Get A State-Funded Place At A Russian University? Russian Government quotas
Foreign citizens can apply for state-funded places at Russian universities within the quota, under the international education agreements, or as compatriots. We have done our best to see into this matter.
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№ 3 (9) 2021
Entering a University and Studying During Pandemic
The complicated global situation caused by Covid-19 spread has lead to the increase in the popularity of online learning.
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№ 1 (12) 2022
Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University. Admissions
The first engineering transport university in Russia. It provides advanced engineering training in many key areas, such as heavy haul and high-speed traffic control, magnetic levitation transport, development of digital technologies.
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