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№ 2 (13) 2022
Aspects Of Admission Of Foreign Citizens In 2022
Foreign citizens and stateless persons have the right to apply to Russian universities to pursue educational programs of higher education, secondary professional education, and continuing professional education.
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№ 2 (13) 2022
Ural State University of Economics. Admissions
USUE is one of the leading multidisciplinary Russian universities for economics. It has been successfully developing the intellectual elite for economics, finance, management, trade, and other areas for over 55 years.
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№ 2 (13) 2022
National Research Tomsk State University. Admissions
Choosing TSU, you choose high-quality world-class education and opportunities for professional and personal development in a hospitable multinational environment.
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№ 2 (13) 2022
Saint Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation. Admissions
The University of Civil Aviation trains specialists in all areas of the aviation industry such as pilots, air traffic controllers, engineers, flight navigators, aircraft maintenance engineers, airport engineers, air transport engineers.
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№ 2 (13) 2022
Russian State University named after A. N. Kosygin. Admissions
A multidisciplinary research and education center with high potential and a flexible lifelong learning system. Technologies.Design.Art is a triunity containing the concept of developing the professions of the future.
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№ 2 (13) 2022
Russian State University for Geological Prospecting. Admissions
Sergo Ordzhonikidze Geo University trains specialists and mining engineers for various geology and mining industries – geologists, hydrogeologists, drillers, geophysicists, surveyors, paleontologists, gemmologists, mining engineers, ecologists, economists.
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