#russian language

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№ 9 (20) 2022
Russian Education For Students From Kyrgyzstan
Albert Zulkharneev, Head of the Russian House in Bishkek, talks about Kyrgyz school students' interest in Russian higher education and training highly qualified specialists for Kyrgyzstan economy.
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№ 9 (20) 2022
Russian Education For Students From Kazakhstan
Olga Filonova, Head of the Russian House in Astana, talks about what makes higher education in Russia attractive to students from Kazakhstan, about admission opportunities and assistance in choosing a university.
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№ 9 (20) 2022
Higher Education For International Students In The Republic Of Tatarstan
High-quality training, living conditions, well-developed campus infrastructure, active international cooperation, opportunities for successful personal development in science – all of this attracts talented eople to the universities in Tatarstan.
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Russian Education For Students From The CIS Countries
This time the issue is dedicated to the educational opportunities for applicants from the countries of Central Asia. You will find some useful preparation and admission tips, learn about the exhibitions and meetings organized by the Rossotrudnichestvo.
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№ 8 (19) 2022
Sevastopol State University
SevSU is ranked among the leading universities in the South of Russia and has the highest research and innovation and technology potential in Crimea.
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№ 8 (19) 2022
Admission And Adaptation Of International Students
Let's look at the aspects of admission, studying and adaptation of international students at Russian universities considering an example of North-Eastern Federal University.
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