Best Educational Programs: PEDAGOGICAL EDUCATION
Faculty of Psychology
Bachelor’s program

MELNIKOV, Timur Nikolaevich
Teaching staff. High quality training in the Primary Education and Foreign (German) Language major is provided by the highly qualified teaching staff including M.B. Zatsepina, Head of the Department of Primary Education, the author of more than 250 scientific works, the supervisor of 5 defended Candidate’s dissertations; O.G. Murzakova, an invited social expert in educational programs of the Moscow Department of Education (30 scientific papers); E.K. Brykina, a member of the Creative Union of Professional Artists of Russia, an expert of the Russian Academy of Education (37 scientific papers); E.M. Nukhova, a leading specialist in teaching the German phonetics and grammar; V.K. Vittenbek, the author of more than 40 scientific and academic papers, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences; O.I. Kabalina, the author of steering documents for academic Bachelor’s programs, the developer of the double major foreign language teaching concept, Vice President of the Association of German Language Teachers of the Moscow Region; A.S. Shevtsov, a laureate of the Pedagogical Debut all-Russian contest of
Moscow Region State University offers other best educational programs in Pedagogical Education:
Primary Education and Foreign (English) Language
Russian Language and Foreign (English) Language
History and Foreign (English) Language
Preschool Education and Foreign (German) Language
University partners within the educational program. The university cooperates with educational institutions and development centers of Moscow and the Moscow Region (Secondary School No.24 of Mytishchi, Secondary School No.218 of Moscow, Lyceum No.23) and Germany (more than 100 institutions including the Bavarian Institute of Early Childhood Research, Munich Catholic University, Emden/Leer High School, Hermann Hesse Language College in Horb-am-Neckar). The external Department of Applied Problems of Primary Education is established at Secondary School No.4 of Mytishchi.
Students’ and alumni’s achievements. More than 70 students with the highest level of foreign language proficiency undertook their study placement abroad.
Facilities and resources. The university has adequately and sufficiently equipped facilities including comfortable dormitories, a sports complex with a stadium, fitness facilities and gyms. The classrooms are equipped with multimedia.
Opportunities for students. Students with the highest level of foreign language proficiency undertake language internships and study placement in
Employment prospects. German language teacher, primary school teacher, tutor, cartoonist, family (home) teacher.