Best Educational Programs: PETROLEUM ENGINEERING
Department of Pipeline Transport
Bachelor’s programme

TYAN, Vladimir Konstantinovich
Chair of the Department
HEI’s image. One of the most demanded areas in the training field “Petroleum Engineering” in
Graduates show a high level of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, which makes a sound foundation for their professional level and allows fulfilling their potential in industrial, technological, managerial, experimental, research and project activities.
Graduates of the Faculty are highly demanded in the leading oil and gas enterprises all over
Programme presentation. According to the survey of academic and professional community, this educational programme was recognized as the best within the project “The best educational programmes of innovative
With the support of JSC “Privolzhsknefteprovod” and LLC “Gazprom transgaz Samara” the unique simulators have been designed and are in operation at the department. These simulators are interactive layouts of an oil trunk pipeline and the objects of a gas pipeline with a dynamic mathematical model.
In order to integrate the educational process, research and practice, the major departments “Design and Operation of Oil and Gas Pipelines” and “Gas Transport” have been established. These departments provide targeted training of specialists. The Faculty has in place the training centre for working specialties, which deliver the educational programmes in such blue-collar occupations as “Line Pipeliner”, “Loading Operator” and “Assistant for Chemical Analysis”.
Teaching staff. Among the teaching staff of the major Department “Pipeline Transport” there are highly qualified teachers: a Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, 10 Candidates of Sciences and experienced production workers.
Competitiveness of students. Every year many students become winners and awardees of national, international research and practical conferences, symposiums and the annual All-Russian student Olympiad in “Transport and Storage of Hydrocarbons”. In 2014 ten students of the Department were awarded the corporate grant of JSC “AK “Transneft”, and one student was awarded the scholarship of the Russian Government.