Best Educational Programs: APPLIED GEOLOGY
Department of Oil and Gas Field Geology
Specialist’s programme

KURCHIKOV, Arkadiy Romanovich
Head of the Department
Programme presentation. Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, which delivers the educational programme in Applied Geology, has material and technical resources which ensure carrying out all types of laboratory, practical, disciplinary and interdisciplinary training of students. The university has in place educational laboratories provided with computer technologies for solution of geological and volumetric problems, soil science and soil mechanics, hydrogeochemistry, structural geology, etc.
For individual work of students electronic textbooks have been developed and courses of lectures are created in the Educon electronic system, which, among other things, allows students and teachers to communicate via the internal messaging system.
Teaching staff. The Major Department is headed by A.R. Kurchikov, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, corresponding member of RAS, expert of the National Association of Russian Experts in Subsurface Use, Director of the West-Siberian Institute of the Geology of Oil and Gas at TSOGU. About 80% of the teaching staff in the educational programme has academic degrees and titles.
There are two scientific schools at the Department: “Oil and Gas Hydrogeology and Hydrochemistry of West-Siberian Megabasin” (established by V.M. Matusevich, D.Sc., professor) and “Oil and Gas Geology” (established by I.I. Nesterov, D.Sc., professor).
A lot of teachers are involved in carrying out state budgetary research activities. Fundamental and applied research is supported by the grants of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. Currently, the staff members are involved in expert activities for the Ministry of Natural Resources of the RF, the Ministry of Education and Science of the RF and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.
Competitiveness of students. Students take part in and win various contests and Olympiads such as the international student conference “Oil and Gas” (
At present, 11 foreign students from
Interaction with employers. The Major Department cooperates with production geological enterprises, research centres and oil and gas enterprises. The main forms of co-operation are joint conferences and other practice-oriented, research and educational events, retraining and professional development of staff and improvement of material and technical resources. Partner organizations also help finance practice placement and internships as well as employ graduates.