Best Educational Programs: PETROLEUM ENGINEERING
Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Production
Master’s programme

GRACHEV, Sergey Ivanovich
Chairman of the Board of Teachers in Petroleum Engineering
Programme presentation. Training and education of Masters in Petroleum Engineering in Tyumen State Oil and
The newest equipment, computer technologies, modern software and the original interactive laboratory works created by the teaching staff of the Department provide the delivery of educational process at a high scientific and methodological level.
In 2013, the programme underwent professional-public accreditation by AKKORK.
Competitiveness of students. In addition to research activities, which are carried out on the basis of the university, students successfully take part in All-Russian conferences, contests and Olympiads in
Interaction with employers. One of the most important directions in the delivery of the educational programme is the organization of cooperation with enterprises and industry institutions of the region, which allows to carry out production and research practices and to ensure employment of graduates.
Employers are involved in the management of Master’s programmes and take part in commissions for the defence of graduate qualification works. In order to improve the level of the educational programme, employers act as research advisors for Master’s degree students, supervisors of practice and research work as well as the teachers of various disciplines. Representatives of the professional community are also invited to participate in joint conferences and in the diploma delivery ceremony.
The following enterprises are the basic companies for students’ practice: JSC “Sibnefteprovod”, Samsonovskoe LPU MG, JSC “Gazpromneft-Tyumen”, LLC “Gazrpomtransgaz Surgut”, Tyumen Repair and Mehanical Plant, etc.