Advertising and Public Relations in North-Caucasus Federal University
North-Caucasus Federal University
Department of Advertising and Public Relations of
Bachelor's program, Master's program

EZHOVA Elena Nikolaevna
Head of the Department
Awards and achievements. The educational program was accredited by the National Centre for Public Accreditation for six years in 2017.
In 2018 Professor E.N. Ezhova and Associate Professor E.A. Pobedinskaia won the contest "Golden Names of Higher School" held as part of the grant of the Russian Federation President for the development of civil society.
In 2017 and 2018 the department was awarded the laureate diplomas of the sectoral study "The Ranking of Russian HEIs' Departments that Train Specialists in the Field of Advertising" conducted by the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia.
In 2017 the department won the contest "The Best Department of NCFU" in the category of Effective Organization of the System of Interaction with Employers.
Teaching staff. The teaching staff consists of 17 highly qualified teachers including one Doctor of Sciences and 11 Candidates of Sciences. The academic degree holders ratio is 83%. The leading specialists of the media community and organizations, who work in the field of advertising and public relations, are also engaged in the teaching process.
Facilities and resources. The department has state-of-the-art facilities and resources. The most advanced equipment (professional photographic and lighting equipment, video cameras and quadcopter, stabilizer for video shooting) improves the quality of education and is the most important tool of effective organization of students' innovative and creative activities.
Research. The department's research interests include the following: the system and dynamics of modern media and advertising discourse; strategic communications in the social sphere, business and politics; PR and advertising technologies in the system of new media; territory branding technologies and promotion of tourist destinations.
Education. The teachers use a combination of up-to-date education models such as a traditional model, a rationalistic model, and a student-centered model with application of innovative technologies.
Strategic partners. The department cooperates with large research and education centers of
Competitive advantages. Graduates are in great demand among employers. The facilities and resources are highly efficient. Advanced innovation technologies are used. Practical training facilities have been effectively developed.