Tver State University: Innovative Development

Ludmila N. SKAKOVSKAYA, Acting Rector of Tver State University, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor.
Tver State University is one of the leading classical universities in Russia and the largest academic and cultural center in the region. The University trains higher education professionals in mathematics, natural sciences, agriculture, humanities, education and pedagogy, social studies as well as in engineering, technologies, arts and culture. TSU is one of the oldest universities. In December 2015 it celebrated its 145th anniversary.
THE LARGEST higher education institution of the Tver region has a high academic potential. Over 100 Doctors of Sciences and 360 Candidates of Sciences teach and do research at the University. Tver State University delivers study programs in 97 majors of higher education. Twenty study programs of TSU became winners of the project “Best Study Programs of Innovative Russia—2016.”
The foundation of the continuing education system accepted at the University is the principle of content continuity of study programs on different levels: general education programs (basic general and secondary general education); secondary vocational education; higher education—bachelor’s, specialist’s, master’s degree programs, postgraduate programs for academic staff; further education programs.
This multi-level educational institution consists of twelve faculties, the Institute for Continuing Education, the Institute of Pedagogical Education, the Institute of Economics and Management, the Academic School, the Scientific and Academic Center of Innovative Technologies for the Development of Professional Careers Amongst the Youth, the Regional Center of Development of Youth Volunteer Programs, the Inter-University Center for International Cooperation, the Regional Center for Job Placement of University Graduates, the Regional Center for New Information Technologies.
The vast infrastructure of the university includes teaching blocks and laboratory buildings, administrative buildings, dormitories and utility spaces, training facilities, and vehicles. The university comprises 28 buildings, including ten teaching blocks, eight dormitories, a research library and archives, laboratory facilities, a ski and sports center, a refectory, a gym, a swimming pool, and fitness centers.
TSU is particularly proud of its own botanical garden located in the historical center of Tver near the confluence of the Volga and Tvertsa rivers. Around 350 species of trees and bushes and over 2,000 species of grass can be found in this garden, and eight expositions and six repository collections were created there. Out of all academic institutions of Russia, TSU’s Botanical Garden is the only one to be an official member of the Global Partnership for Plants Conservation (GPPC).
THE FAVORABLE CONDITIONS for fulfillment of learning, scientific and creativity potential are established at TSU. Over twenty schools of sciences, five dissertation councils, a network of scientific centers and laboratories operate here. Fifteen postgraduate and five doctoral programs provide training for top-qualification research and academic staff. TSU’s Scientific Library features over 1 million items.
Sixteen small innovative enterprises work at TSU. One of them, Graviton LLC, became a Skolkovo Technopark resident in 2015 and joined Top 100 Startups in Russia.
The University developed its system of interaction with employers, it is implemented in various forms: agreements on employer-sponsored education; educational and pre-graduation practical training; organizing and holding Career Days, job fairs and mini-fairs at the faculties; recruiting young professionals; placement of employers’ proposals on the TSU labor market and on the website of the Regional Center for Job Placement of University Graduates; organization of summer placements of students, etc.
The Center of Student Initiatives, the Student Council, the Association of Student Communities, the Student Trade Union help young people to implement their own projects. The University has the necessary infrastructure to hold high-level events: two concert halls, professional audio and video equipment, etc. It’s no coincidence that TSU was among the 26 leading Russian institu tions of higher education which became centers for volunteer training for Sochi 2014 Olympics and Paralympics.
Tver State University is certified by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation. In 2016 TSU was awarded a Certificate of quality management system for conformity with GOST standard ISO 9001–2015. Since 2010 the university has held a Certificate of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM).
STABLE RELATIONS were established and are maintained with over 30 universities in Europe, China, the USA, Mexico, and the CIS countries. TSU participates in academic mobility programs, offers study programs for international students and takes part in various international study programs. The traditional partners of TSU are Osnabruck University, Germany; Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, Germany; Ulm University, Germany; Blaise Pascal University in Clermont-Ferrand, France; Paul Valery University of Montpellier, France; St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria; universities of Turku and Tampere; the University of Eastern Finland, Finland; the University of Lodz, Poland; the University of Mississippi, USA; the University of Glasgow, Great Britain; the Aleksanteri Institute of the University of Helsinki, Finland; etc.
The international activities are coordinated by the Inter-University Center for International Cooperation. ICIC offers the TSU students an opportunity of a semester study in the universities of France, Germany, Finland, Bulgaria, Belgium, and the USA. Besides, the Center provides assistance in organization of international practical trainings for students and their participation in various international student programs. Young people improve their foreign language skills and gain invaluable experience of studying abroad.
The Department of the Russian Language for Foreigners makes a part of ICIC and successfully develops exchange study programs in the Russian language and culture for students-philologists and interpreter translators from Finland, France, Great Britain, Germany, and China.
The process of integration into the international educational system is also being developed due to participation in different programs, such as the European Union’s TEMPUS program, the Oxford Russia Fund Scholarship Program, the Finnish- Russian Student Exchange Program “FIRST” and others. There are twelve National Centers of the European Program TUNING Educational Structures in Russia, and TSU is one of them.
Tver State University is rightfully considered a driving force for innovative development.
Comprehensive university
Established in 1870
Student body—9,000
33, Zhelyabova Street, Tver, 170100, Russia
+7 482 232-13-69