Kazakhstan Engineering Technological University

Almaty is a financial and business center comprising headquarters and offices of large industrial enterprises, foreign companies, and leading educational institutions. Kazakhstan Engineering Technological University (KazETU) is one of the latter.
DESPITE a very young age—the University was founded in 2001, it consistently takes the top positions in the Kazakhstan national ranking of higher education institutions.
KazETU provides education in the fields of engineering, technology, economics, and agriculture. The administration of the University consider the priority of technical majors to be a crucial factor ensuring a new level of development of Kazakhstan’s industry and economy.

According to surveys conducted by the Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA), employers assess KazETU’s graduates as highly skilled young professionals; therefore, manufacturing companies interested in young promising human recourses readily cooperate with the University.
It is not by chance that the University focuses on engineering education. As to Bakhytzhan T. Zhumagulov, Director of the National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and a prominent mathematician, nowadays the key government programs are aimed at facilitating the innovative industrial development of the country. For this purpose hundreds of new enterprises have been established; approaches to commercialization of research outcomes and technologies shaping a system fundamentally new for the republic are under development. The academician believes that all these will enhance the prestige of engineering professions. Engineering majors are usually more frequently funded from the educational grants.
WHY is Kazakhstan Engineering Technological University so attractive to domestic and international students?
It offers specialized study programs. The University features a powerful technical potential. Basic departments actively collaborate with research institutes and scientific associations of Kazakhstan.

The university teachers and staff are highly qualified and reputable.
Young people appreciate KazETU’s financial stability as well as possibilities of being awarded state educational grants.
The University’s technical and material resources improve every year. The classrooms are technically well-equipped. Hardware and software for computer classes is regularly updated. Access to computer classes is free for all the students of the University. Each computer is connected to the Internet, and on campus there is free Wi-Fi. Up-to-date technical support enables students to make presentations demonstrating the results of their research work.
KazETU possesses modern information resources and library facilities.
Another essential component of the University structure is comfortable accommodation, convenient classrooms and leisure facilities for students. In KazETU students can enjoy comfortable dormitories, up-to-date sports facilities as well as the University’s own transport.
The KazETU building is located in the center of Almaty, in Academgorodok, closely to research institutes. Not far from the University there is a wonderful Botanical Garden traditionally called “the city’s lungs.”
Similar to the Medeu highland rink constructed in Kazakhstan, which is globally known by the world records and unique architectural engineering solutions, Kazakhstan Engineering Technological University is popular among young people as a guarantor of a successful career. The University’s alumni hold top managerial positions in enterprises of Kazakhstan.
KAZETU is actively expanding international professional cooperation. Outstanding scientists and researchers from different countries are often invited for delivering their lecture courses in the University. Students, faculty and researchers actively participate in international conferences on current issues in the field of science and engineering.

The University maintains substantial interconnections with Russian scientific centers. The management of the University has an agreement on cooperation with Ondokuz Mayıs University, Turkey. A memorandum with Graduate School of Management in Barсelona, Spain, was signed in 2016. KazETU cooperates with Lublin University of Technology—Politechnika Lubelska, Poland.
All international activities of Kazakhstan Engineering Technological University are aimed at internationalization of education as one of the key priorities of the Bologna process.
KazETU International Cooperation
- December 2016—Memorandum with Graduate School of Management in Barselona, Spain
- June 2017—Lectures by Prof. dr hab. inż. Waldemar Wójcik, Lublin University of Technology, Poland, and Academician Yuri Shokin, Chairman of the United Scientific Council on Nano- and Information Technologies of SB RAS, Russia
- Agreements on cooperation with Ondokuz Mayıs University, Turkey; South Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia; and Moscow State University of Food Production, Russia
Comprehensive university
Established in 2001
Student body—2,100
93G/5, al-Farabi Avenue, Almaty 050060, Republic of Kazakhstan
Multi line phone: +7 727 300-07-77