Sakhalin State University: a modern comprehensive HEI

Sakhalin State University is a modern comprehensive university; it offers study programs for students pursuing their degrees in Science, Teaching, Humanities and Engineering. The University has been awarded the European Quality Gold Medal in the nomination “100 Best Universities in Russia.”
It is included in the national register Leading Educational Institutions.
THE UNIVERSITY trains specialists for almost all economy sectors. At the moment this is the only state university in the region that contributes to drawing population into this resource-rich and strategically important island region of Russia.
Sakhalin State University has a successful system of pre-university training, further education and training of top-qualification specialists in postgraduate programs. The University is made up of Polytechnic College, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Teachers’ Training College, Okha affiliated branch and Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky College (affiliated branch).
Sakhalin State University today offers training in 25 specialist’s programs, 25 bachelor’s programs, three master’s programs and seven postgraduate programs. The University incorporates 31 departments that employ 330 teaching staff with 22 Doctors of Sciences, 140 Candidates of Sciences and 25 Corresponding Members of the Russian and international academies of sciences. The policy of educational quality is the basis of the sustainable development of the University. Its main principle is continuous professional education of the academic staff.

Students, postgraduate students and teaching staff are engaged in international science projects, which are supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, by Russian and foreign funds, by the Government of the Sakhalin region. They participate in international, national, regional, and local conferences and symposiums.
In Sakhalin State University scientific research is carried out in Natural Sciences and the Humanities. Eleven research laboratories and centers operate at the University. The key ingredient of the scientific activity of the University is implementation of research results into the economic development of the region.
The University houses the Sakhalin Science Technological Engineering Mathematics Center (STEM-center). The center has dozens of laboratories and training simulators for students to explore special equipment and thus to have an in-depth study of their future profession before they have any practical training.
THE BEST one of the Far East laboratories of physical and chemical study in the field of the ecological safety of the oil and gas industry has been created here. For the first time in the University history a research institute was opened which addresses challenging issues of accident-free operation of the offshore oil fields and the ice situation in the freezing seas.
A purpose-built for Sakhalin State University IBM supercomputer is used to solve various experimental problems. The University has acquired the Nobel Experiments laboratory used primarily for the purpose of career guidance.
The Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Research Station was opened at the University two months before the launch of the first Artificial Earth Satellite. Designed for satellite observation and tracking, it grew into a modern complex of spaceborne remote sensing of the Earth that allows to conduct research into the field of biology, geology, meteorology, geophysics, cartography, and geodesy. Available observations allow the Sakhalin State University scientists to carry out safe escort of oil and gas tankers on the ice and to study the ice coverage of the Sea of Okhotsk.

The Research Institute of Integrated Priority Development is established at Sakhalin State University. The mission of this unique project is to address the issues of top-priority development of fundamental study on knowledge creation. The project addresses the vital tasks of modernization of social cultural and social economic development of the region. The research work is carried out into the field of ecology, archeology, pedagogic technologies, sociology, geophysics, and marine studies.
Sakhalin State University and the Russian Academy of Sciences have joint units: the Laboratory of Archeology and Ethnography (the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk), the Laboratory of Environmental Monitoring and GIS-technologies (Sakhalin affiliated branch of the Far East Geological Institute, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences).

A number of the University educators are well-known scientists of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and they make a great contribution to the quality of university education. The research outcomes of scientists, specialists and students are published in scientific journals and embodied in practical guidelines for different economic sectors of the Sakhalin region, the Far Eastern Federal District and Russia.
Two technoparks are functioning at the university. The Technology Park has been created as a center of the latest construction technology. Its 10 thousand-square meter territory is taken up by the state-of-the-art production and process lines of construction materials in demand. The second project, the Biotechnology Park, is dedicated to the technology development and the implementation of the innovative methods for the mariculture growth.
INTERNATIONAL relations of Sakhalin State University have a long history. The first cooperation agreement was signed with Hokkaido University, Japan, back in 1989. For over a quarter of a century Sakhalin State University has been developing relations with the universities of Japan, the USA, Canada, South Korea, and China. They work together on creation of the common educational area and study program interaction.
Currently the university has over 40 cooperation agreements signed with the higher education institutions and scientific centers of the Asia-Pacific countries, mainly Japan, the Republic of Korea, the People’s Republic of China, and the USA.
Along the basic lines of international relations Sakhalin State University and its foreign partners organize academic mobility programs, international conferences and symposiums. They exchange academic literature and produce joint publications of scientific papers.
For example, in 2014-2016 over 200 students and 60 educators of Sakhalin State University participated in the international academic mobility programs. Over 40 international students have been enrolled to long and short-term programs at the University during the year. Professors from the CIS and other foreign countries teach at the University.
International cooperation priorities of Sakhalin State University are the following: the implementation of the integrated plans specified by the cooperation agreement with the foreign sister-universities (coordinated research programs, scientific exchanges, academic tours, conferences, publications, etc.); joint scientific projects and agreements with foreign higher education institutions; international conferences; offering courses of Russian as a foreign language to international students; academic mobility programs; employing teaching staff from foreign countries The international cooperation of Sakhalin State University is aimed at further refinement of specialist training, it creates added incentives and prospects for faculty and students in their work and study, and it develops good neighborly relations between the countries of the Far Eastern Region.
BESIDE its eminent scholars, Sakhalin State University is proud of its alumni who represent the majority of the staff at research institutes of the Sakhalin region as young researchers.
Most of the Sakhalin State University graduates are employed at oil and gas companies, law enforcement agencies, educational institutions, banking structures, tax authorities, enterprises, and research institutions of the fisheries sector, municipal, regional or district governments. The annual monitoring indicates that 84% of graduates are employed by the end of the graduation year. Only under 5% of young specialists leave the region. Having received a decent education yesterday’s students of Sakhalin State University work successfully in the top Russian and international corporations: Sakhalin Energy Investment Company Ltd, Exxon Neftegas Limited, RN-Sakhalinmorneftegas LLC, Sakhalin-Shelf- Service, Gasprom, the Far Eastern Branch of Gasflot LLC, RN-SakhalinNIPImorneft, Ecoshelf.
Sakhalin State University takes a leading position among the Russian higher education institutions in the field of patriotic education of the young people. The students are actively involved in social, political, scientific and cultural affairs of the country. They represent their university, their islands, their country at various federal and international competitions, contests, festivals and conferences.

Institute of Sciences and Technosphere Safety
- Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies
- Power Systems Engineering and Electrical Engineering
- Teaching
- Aquatic Bioresources and Mariculture
- Biology
- Ecology and Nature Management
- Technosphere Safety
- Geography
Institute of Psychology and Teaching
- Teaching
- Psychology and Teaching
Institute of Philology, History and Oriental Studies
- Linguistics
- Journalism
- Teaching
- Oriental and African Studies
Institute of Law, Economics and Management
- State and Municipal Management
- Management
- Sociology
- Law
- Economics
- Tourism
- Economic Safety
Technical Institute of Oil and Gas
- Ecology and Nature Management
- Geology
- Oil and Gas Engineering
- Operation of Transport Technological Machines and Complexes
- Construction
Polytechnic College
- Construction and Management of Buildings and Structures
- Computer Networks
- Programming in Computer Systems
- Applied Information Science (in Economics)
- Electric Power Stations, Networks and Systems
- Industrial Equipment Installation and Tech-nical Maintenance (in the Oil and Gas Sector)
- Oil and Gas Field Development and Operation
- Oil and Gas Wells Drilling
- Gas and Oil Pipe and Storage Facility Construction and Operation
- Welding Engineering
- Motor Transport Maintenance
- Economics and Accounting
- Social Welfare Law and System
- Public Food Service Organization
Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Teachers’ Training College
- Social Work
- Tourism
- Hospitality
- Preschool Education
- Elementary School Teaching
- Further Education Teaching
- Physical Education
Okha Affiliated Branch
- Electric Power Stations, Networks and Systems
- Industrial Equipment Installation and Technical Maintenance (in the Oil and Gas Sector)
- Oil and Gas Field Development and Operation
- Gas and Oil Pipe and Storage Facility Construction and Operation
- Motor Transport Maintenance
- Economics and Accounting
Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky College (Affiliated Branch)
- Computer Networks
- Fire Safety
- Ichthyology and Fishery
- Preschool Education
- Physical Education
Comprehensive university
Established in 1949
Student body—5,400
290, Lenina Street, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk 693000 Russia
+7 424 245-23-01