Gubkin University: Base University of the Russian Oil and Gas Sector

The heart of fuel energy production
The role of the alumni trained by Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University) can’t be underestimated in the development of the oil and gas industry of Russia. Over 100,000 professionals pursued their degrees and successfully graduated from the University including 5,000 foreign students from more than 100 countries.
The university has notable alumni among which there are many prominent Russian scientists and engineers, heads of large oil and gas enterprises and research institutes, laureates of numerous prestigious state prizes.
Moscow Petroleum Institute (the original name of the University) was established in the 1930s when the country set a course for industrialization and diversification. In order to provide the fuel energy production sector of Russia with well-qualified staff, it was necessary to establish a national system of higher petroleum education. Gubkin University has over 87-year scientific and pedagogical experience, which makes it the leading educational institution in Russian oil and gas training.
In the university anthem the students compare oil with the black gold and gas with the blue fuel transported along the arteries of Russian pipelines. This is an idiomatic way to express students’ commitment to their University and the country. Gubkin University students take an active part in the development of new technologies, discoveries of new oil deposits, laying unique oil and gas pipelines in terms of their capacity and performance.
Internationally recognized quality
Gubkin University is internationally certified with ISO 9001:2001 International standard in education, training, science and development. The University was certified by TUV NORD CERT international agency on establishment of quality management system (QMS) and fulfillment of international requirements.
According to the University’s statistical data, there are over 9,000 students from 83 subjects of the Russian Federation enrolled in full-time programs, including 22% of foreign students from 48 countries.
Training bachelors, specialists, masters, candidates and doctors of sciences is carried out in the majors and specialties covering the whole technological chain in the oil and gas industry from oil exploration and site prospecting to transportation, refining, and sale of oil and gas products.
Nowadays, when the integration processes in higher education are extensively discussed by the academic community, the university is actively evolving in this direction as well. For example, the joint study programs Petroleum Economics and Management, Modelling of Natural Reservoirs of Hydrocarbon Deposits and Exploration Design are implemented by Gubkin University and French Institute of Petroleum. After successful graduation students will receive a Russian degree of Master and a French degree of Master of Science. Another joint study program on exploration of oil and gas deposits implemented together with Norwegian colleagues is also very attractive for the students. The University holds and hosts summer research and educational schools in cooperation with the universities of Germany, Austria and Sweden. Collaborating with foreign educational institutions Gubkin University actively promotes academic mobility and exchange programs.
The representatives of the University are actively involved in international research conferences and scientific forums including East meets West Congress, the Russian-Iranian Forum of Rectors; International Student Petroleum Congress & Career Expo, Poland; China Education Expo, China; the China Annual Conference for International Education & Expo, China.

Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University) has agreements on cooperation with 50 foreign universities from the USA, China, the UK, Germany, France, Norway, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Azerbaijan, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. The University develops and implements joint master's programs with different institutions of higher education. It is a member of the BRICS Universities League, a consortium of leading research universities from the BRICS countries, the CIS, the Association of Technical Universities of Russia and China, the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers. The University has full membership in the International Gas Union, participates in the work of the World Petroleum Congress. Integration into the world educational community has become an essential component for the University development.
Internal resources. Breakthrough technologies
“It is the place where the greatest personalities of the past are looking at the present students from the wall portraits. We will always remember buzzing lecture-rooms and the quiet of laboratories, leaving in this place pieces of our hearts”—in this way students express their warm attitude to the University. The place is really impressive in terms of technological advances and contemporary comfort facilities available to students.
The University has a high-speed local area network with over 3,000 computers. The number of professional software products is also impressive—it amounts to 280. When they say that Gubkin University graduates are very well trained and know a wide range of software applications, the employers cannot doubt it.
Laboratory facilities, mining sites, simulators and the main library with over 1.5 million items. On the Internet portal of the University students may login their personal accounts, have access to the e-library, multimedia portals of faculties and departments, social networks and to the portal with free open online courses.
The University is attractive for young people due to its innovative educational programs. These include such study program as the Development of Innovative Educational Competencies in the New Environment—the Virtual Environment of a Professional Activity. The state-of-the-art multiple access centers equipped with unique machinery are established at the University. Students benefit from the simulating, yet realistic training on a virtual exploration site. It is the everyday reality for students. Undergraduates mastering in different majors collaborate in interdisciplinary teams on one project performing exploration, mine planning, mining exploration, drilling, cost estimate, etc. All simulators are connected to one network, which enables students to see the whole range of interconnected goals. In the exploration management center it is possible to perform the visual analysis of the geological horizon from different perspectives, to determine the trajectory of the boreholes and consider the choice and application of certain equipment. Thus, young professionals develop new professional competencies and practice team work skills.
Close business communication with the leading enterprises of oil and gas industry enables the University to be in line with the most contemporary tendencies and to be involved in pursuing substantial production goals carrying out fundamental and applied research.
Among the University’s strategical partners there are the following tycoons of the oil and gas industry: Gazprom, a global energy company; Rosneft, a publicly traded petroleum company; LUKOIL, an international oil and gas company; Transneft, a public joint stock company, etc. The University has long-term agreements on cooperation with the largest foreign oil and gas companies including British Petroleum, Shell, Total, Statoil, Wintershall, Schlumberger, etc.

The University is involved in fulfilling international research projects. It annually hosts 12-15 large-scale scientific congresses and symposia. The University published information-analytical and research and development journals: Oil, Gas and Business, Quality Management in the Oil and Gas Complex, Chemistry and Technology in Fuel and Oil, Staff for Fuel and Energy Complex.
The innovative Technology Park as a part of the Gubkin University infrastructure is also impressive. It includes over 50 research and development centers and laboratories, innovation companies, and an engineering center.
Doctors of Sciences, Academicians, Corresponding Members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, honored scientists are involved in the educational process.
Taken together all these achievements and efforts enable Gubkin University to maintain a high level of educational and research activities and hold the position of the base educational institution training professionals for the oil and gas complex.
Base university of the oil and gas sector
Established in 1930
Student body —9,000,including international students from 48 countries
65, Leninsky Prospect, Moscow 119991, Russia
Multi line phone: +7 499 507-88-88