Economics (Master's program) in Dagestan State Technical University
Dagestan State Technical University
Department of Economics and Company Management
Master's program

KAZIEVA Zhaklin Narimanovna
Head of the Department
Achievements and awards. The educational program underwent professional-public accreditation in 2015.
Teaching staff. Training is provided by the highly qualified teaching staff including five Doctors of Sciences, Professors, six Candidates of Sciences, Associate Professors as well as leading specialists of various sectors of national economy. All of them regularly improve their qualification and undertake work placement.
Facilities and resources. The university has educational and research institutes, centers and laboratories. It established the specialized departments at production enterprises and government agencies. All computer classrooms are integrated into the single local network that allows students to receive information and exchange it immediately. Students have access to electronic educational materials.
Research. Research is conducted in the field of improvement of real estate management mechanisms, effectiveness of applied forms and methods of real estate operation (operation of residential properties and commercial real estate), development and introduction of progressive forms of real estate management based on foreign experience and experience of the leading regions of Russia.
Education. The teachers use criterion-oriented and problem-based learning technologies, academic achievement evaluation technologies, which allows students to acquire knowledge when planning and performing practical tasks that are gradually getting more difficult. The teachers develop and introduce new forms and methods of teaching, means of activation of students' cognitive activity, in particular, game technologies, supportive lecture notes, etc.
Strategic partners. The university maintains business relationships with research institutes, specialized enterprises and organizations, leading foreign HEIs including Tianjin University (China), Alfred Nobel University (Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine), Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, Azerbaijan State University of Economics, Kazakh National Agrarian University, University of Economics-Varna (Bulgaria), P.O.Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel (Belarus), etc.
International projects and programs. The teachers and students participate in research projects for young researchers, research grant competitions as well as in the olympiads held by the Youth Union of Economists and Financiers.
Competitive advantages. The teaching staff is experienced. Students have an opportunity to get supplementary education and choose an individual educational path.