State and Municipal Management in Far-East Institute of Management
Far-East Institute of Management, branch of RANEPA
Department of State and Municipal Management and Service Law
Bachelor's program

KHVAN Inna Sukilovna
Head of the Department
Achievements and awards. Students are awarded gold, silver and bronze certificates according to the results of the Federal Internet Exam for Bachelor students. They are prize winners and winners of annual regional research contests "Student Spring," the All-Russian contest of research works and projects.
Teaching staff. Training is provided by the teaching staff including Doctors and Candidates of Sciences. Some of them are awarded Certificates of Merit by the Ministry of Education and Science of the
Facilities and resources. The institute has state-of-the-art facilities and resources for the high-quality educational and scientific process. Each student has individual unrestricted access to some electronic library systems and the electronic information-educational environment of the institute.
Research. The main research areas include the following: introduction of modern human resource technologies in civilian service; anti-corruption policy of the country; introduction of project management methods in the system of state and municipal management; modern problems and mechanisms of implementation of state demographic, regional, antirecessionary, investment policy of the country.
Education. The teachers use state-of-the-art project-based, problem-based and split-level learning technologies, information and communication technologies, health saving technologies, gaming technologies as well as the innovative evaluation system "Portfolio."
Strategic partners. The institute cooperates with the government bodies and municipalities of the entities of the Far Eastern Federal District; the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East; territorial directorates of federal executive authorities; the Far-Eastern Branch of the
International projects and programs. Students regularly participate in the international internet olympiad in economics and the international contests held by the Youth Union of Economists and Financiers of the
Competitive advantages. Students have an opportunity to undertake study placement at the Government of the