Land Transport Technology in Industrial University of Tyumen
Department of Transportation and Technological Facilities
Specialist's program

MERDANOV Shakhbuba Magomedkerimovich
Head of the Department
Achievements and awards. The program has a certificate of professional-public accreditation in science and technology issued by the
The teachers participated in 20 grants (won nine grants) and filed 57 applications for patents of the
Teaching staff. The academic degree holders rate is 80 %. All teachers have basic education relevant to specialization of the department.
Facilities and resources. The educational process is fully supported with the facilities and resources including learning laboratories, computer and multimedia classrooms equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and devices.
Research. The department actively develops the following research areas: adaptation of construction machines to severe conditions of the North (N.N. Karnaukhov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor); intensification of construction mix production processes (A.A. Serebrennikov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor); efficiency improvement in construction of temporary winter roads and crossings (Sh.M. Merdanov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor); improvement of technologies and structures of road and urban street cleaning machines (Sh.M. Merdanov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor).
Education. The teachers use the following teaching approaches and methods: problem-based written retelling, the research method, game technologies, technology of communicative foreign culture teaching and creative workshops as well as technology of level differentiation in learning, cooperative learning technology, computer (novel information) technologies, collective mental activity technology, ICT technologies, quest, case and cloud technologies.
Strategic partners. The university cooperates with oil and gas enterprises such as Gazprom, LUKOIL, NK Rosneft, Surgutneftegaz, Transneft; the Mostostroy-11 construction company; the Servisimporttehnika company selling spare parts for special-purpose machinery; road management and operations departments of Tyumen, the Road Repair and Construction Department of the Tyumen Region, the Avtodor road transport company, the Avtograd car dealer, the Avto-Dina car dealer, the Tyumengazstroymash road company, GMS Neftemash, an oil equipment supplier, Siberian Lift Company, the Promzheldortrans-Tyumen construction company, the Tyumenremdormash road construction company, the Tyumen House-Building Company, the ExCrane construction company, the Dorozhnik road construction enterprise, the Lift Modern installation company, the Sibneftegazdiagnostika company specializing in industrial safety diagnostics and expert examination, the Korrus-Tehniks equipment supplier, the Gazstroymashina snow and swamp-going vehicle manufacturer.
Competitive advantages. Students can pursue their postgraduate degree at the department in the Road, Construction and Carrying and Lifting Machines major.