Railway Traffic Control Systems in Russian University of Transport


Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Department of Railway Automation, Telemechanics and Communication, Department of Transport Power Engineering

Specialist's program


BESTEMIANOV Petr Filimonovich


Achievements and awards. The educational program underwent professional-public accreditation in 2014.

Teaching staff. Specialists are trained by the highly qualified teaching staff including Academicians, Professors, Doctors of Sciences, Candidates of Engineering Sciences, internationally renowned scientists and founders of scientific schools. The teachers have developed dozens of original series of lectures on general professional and special disciplines; numerous textbooks and study guides have been written and published.

Facilities and resources. The departments of the institute established state-of-the-art laboratory facilities including electronic, simulator systems, computer classrooms, specialized multimedia lecture halls.

Research. Research activities are aimed at creating more perfect technical equipment for railway traffic control systems on mainline railway transport, on railways of industrial enterprises, in metros, and for traffic control systems for light railways and maglev carriages. Professor A.M. Bryleev established the school in the field of theory of track circuits, which is the basis for integrated automation of railway traffic interval control.

Education. Students undertake their internship at research institutes, operational and repair facilities of railway transport and metros, engineering and scientific organizations. A high level of graduates' competence is conditioned, to a significant extent, by the fact that the educational process is based on research actively conducted by the teaching staff of the institute departments.

Strategic partners.  The university maintains partnership relations with the world's top firms specializing in railway system engineering such as Siemens, Alstom, Bombardier, Tales, etc. Research projects are implemented in cooperation with the Russian Railways company, the Moscow Metro, and other Russian and foreign companies and universities.

Competitive advantages. The teaching staff is highly qualified. The best students undertake their study placement in Europe, Asia and America, in particular, pursue exchange education at the top universities of Germany, France, Great Britain, China. Good educational background assures rapid career development of graduates.

