Railway Rolling Stock in Russian University of Transport
Russian University of Transport (MIIT)
Institute of Transport Engineering and Control Systems

BESTEMIANOV Petr Filimonovich
Achievements and awards. The program is a frequent winner of the contest "100 Best Educational Programs of Modern Russia." The scientists engaged in the educational program implementation are grant holders of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. Students’ graduation projects annually become winners and prize winners of olympiads.
Teaching staff. Most of the teachers have academic degrees and titles, including 32 Doctors of Sciences and 58 Candidates of Sciences. Young teachers are constantly joining the staff, and many of them pursue their postgraduate studies and defend Candidate's theses. A number of the most prominent scientists are members of national and foreign electrical engineering and transport academies. Many teachers are members of industry-specific research and development boards, editorial boards of Russian and foreign journals. The leading professors are members of dissertation councils for conferment of academic degrees of Candidate and Doctor of Sciences.
Facilities and resources. The degree-granting departments have state-of-the-art equipment with software and audio-visual aids. The laboratories are equipped with state-of-the-art, constantly upgraded devices, a machine tool population, a great number of full-scale specimens of rolling stock nodes and mechanisms; many laboratory benches are unique and tailor-made and produced by or with the active direct participation of teachers, employers, postgraduates, and students.
Education. Training is provided in the following majors: Locomotives; Carriages; Electric Railway Transport; High-Speed Overland Transport; Rolling Stock Production and Repair Technology. Students undertake their educational internship and work placement at railway transport and metro enterprises, machine building and repair plants, operational depots, research institutes. Students, who have a good command of a foreign language, can undertake their study placement abroad at educational institutions of
Strategic partners. The best students have an opportunity to undertake their study placement abroad or participate in an exchange program. The partners include higher education institutions of Europe: universities of