Pedagogical Education in State University of Humanities and Social Studies
Bachelor's program

MAZUROV Aleksei Borisovich
Achievements and awards. Since 2014 this program has been ranked top in Best Educational Programs of Innovative Russia project.
Teaching staff. Over 90% of teachers have postgraduate academic degrees and titles. All faculty members are actively involved in the implementation of research projects. Their research activities are supported by the grants of the President of the
Facilities and resources. Facilities and resources of the university comply with the strictest requirements.
Research. The main research areas include: professional and personal training of a teacher in the context of modernization of education; professional education without borders – equal opportunities for people with disabilities (the Moscow Region project); ridge model of the region's need for teachers; WorldSkills Russia; ICT and mobile technologies in foreign language teaching; musical regional study projects.
Education. The teachers actively use context- and project-based learning technologies, flipped classroom, mobile technologies, technologies of perception development, singing culture development, and children's music-making. Students undertake their study placements abroad, regularly participate in worthy causes and public awareness campaigns, work in summer children’s camps as counselors. Teachers from foreign universities annually deliver lectures, hold seminars and give master classes.
Strategic partners. The university maintains steadfast academic relations with research institutions of the
International programs and projects. The university successfully cooperates with foreign partner universities under the international academic mobility agreements. Students regularly win grants for free education abroad from DAAD, Erasmus+, Stipendium Hungaricum.
Competitive advantages. The advantages include highly qualified teaching staff; innovative teaching methods; academic mobility opportunities; participation in worthy causes and public awareness campaigns.