Vocal Studies (Bachelor's program) in Gnesins Russian Academy of Music
Faculty of Vocal Studies
Bachelor's program

DMITRIEVA Natalia Anatolevna
Achievements and awards. The program successfully underwent international professional-public accreditation (Certificate 1341-08-А022.1 of March 21, 2014).
Teaching staff. Training in the Academic Singing major is provided by two departments of Solo Singing. The Head of the Department of Solo Singing I is M.S. Agin, Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation, Honored Cultural Worker of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor. The Head of the Department of Solo Singing II is A.A. Naumenko, People’s Artist of the
Facilities and resources. Each student has access to the databases and library collections of the academy developed according to the full list of subjects taught as part of the main professional educational program. Students have access to the electronic library system containing publications on the major subjects.
Education. The best students undertake their performance internship in musical and opera theaters of
Over the past year, the department has trained over 40 Bachelor graduates. Many of them are employed in the Moscow Musical Theater Helikon-Opera, the State Chapel of Moscow named after V.A. Sudakov, the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Music Theater, the Novaya Opera Moscow Theater named after E.V. Kolobov, the State Bolshoi Theater of Russia, the Mariinsky Theater as well as in opera and musical theaters of the country (Vladikavkaz, Krasnodar, Novosibirsk, Perm, Niznny Novgorod, and other cities). Some graduates are successfully employed abroad (
Strategic partners. The Faculty of Vocal Studies maintains international relations and professional contacts with conservatories of