Best Educational Programs: SOCIAL WORK
Department of Social Work and Medical Sociology
Bachelor’s program

KUZMIN, Konstantin Viktorovich
Head of the Department
Teaching staff. The teaching staff involved in the program delivery include three Doctors of Sciences and 11 Candidates of Sciences. All the teachers hold academic titles and extensive hands-on experience. In their work and while preparing their multimedia courses, they use contemporary innovative models and advanced teaching methods.
University partners within the educational program. The partners of the program include the Ministry of Social Policy of the Sverdlovsk Region, social and medical healthcare institutions including
Students’ achievements. The department puts a lot of efforts into dissemination of students and graduates’ research results. In 2014 the department published the collection of students’ papers Social Work in the System of Healthcare and Social Protection of the Public 2011-2014.
Facilities and resources. E-learning and distant learning methods and technologies are extensively used in the educational process: in addition to their face-to-face classes, students study in the virtual environment between the semesters. A specialized computer classroom is equipped with 15 laptops for students and a teacher, flipbox (multifunctional display) and an overhead projector. Every student enrolled in the program is authorised to use E-learning resources of the Social Work major.
Opportunities for students. Mastering the courses is supplemented with video lectures of the leading university teachers. Students may download the lecture material from the university cloud. This way the learning environment becomes student-friendly and enables students to acquire knowledge at any time and place.
Employment prospects. Social worker is the job for the future. Graduates from the program render services to the most vulnerable social groups; do social and psychological consultancy work, work with different patients of medical institutions, take part in developing medical and social projects and quality evaluation of medical and social services. Graduates from the program may continue their studies by pursuing their Master’s degree in public health, majoring in medical sociology. In 2017 this Master’s program underwent State accreditation.