Department of Applied Geophysics
Specialist’s programme

TURENKO, Sergey Konstantinovich
Head of the Department
Programme presentation. The specialty includes two specializations: “Geophysical Methods of Mineral Search and Exploration” and “Geophysical Methods of Well Surveying”.
Students learn modern software packages, both conventional and specialized, such as Matcad, Matlab, Maple, Work Bench as well as professional software: ’ARM-GIS”, “GINTEL”, “GEOPOISK”, “SIAL”, “SCANDIG”, DLS, PLEKS, etc. Such algorithmic software as Intergal-plus, Geovektor-plus, Landmark, ArkGIS, MapInfo, etc. is used for conducting specialized courses in “Seismic Exploration”, “Systems of Processing and Interpretation of Field Geophysics Data”, “Algorithmic Software”.
Computer equipment of the Department has been renovated; the laboratory for specialized processing of geological and geophysical information is established. The laboratories of layer physics and petrophysics are used for practical classes in “Petrophysics”.
Teaching staff. The educational process is provided by 47 teachers including 8 Doctors and 27 Candidates of Sciences. All teachers are highly qualified specialists who graduated from Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas and Tyumen State Oil and
Competitiveness of students. The average point of the programme’s applicants in the Unified State Exam is 57.
Students take an active part in research and practice conferences and creative con-tests as well as in the work of the Student Academy of Sciences, successfully participate in university Olympiads and in international and All-Russian conferences in
Up to 10 reports are annually presented within the regular sessions of the SAS; there is a section for students and postgraduates at the annual conferences of Euro-Asian Geophysical Society.
Interaction with employers. The following geophysical organizations provide great assistance in the educational process organization and library stocking (textbooks, state standards, and technical literature), equipment purchasing and organization of student practice: JSC “Kogalymneftegeofizika”, NPC “Tyumengeofizika”, JSC “Geotron”, JSC “TOEZGP”, JSC ZSK “Tyumenpromgeofizika”, etc.
Most graduates are employed in enterprises and oil and gas companies of