Best Educational Programs: TECHNOSPHERE SAFETY
Institute of Applied Chemistry and Ecology
Bachelor’s programme
Master’s programme

NOVOSELOV, Nikolay Petrovich
Programme presentation. The educational process in this programme is aimed at training students in diversified professional activity in the field of engineering protection of environment. Students acquire deep theoretical knowledge. Professional activity of the graduates includes the following areas: environmental monitoring; environmental impact assessment of goods and projects; study of environmental safety problems of productions – safety evaluation; operation and design of systems for purifying gas emissions, wastewaters and solid waste reclamation.
The educational programmes are distinguished by enhanced training in the field of chemistry, technology and technological equipment, environmental management as well as up-to-date computer technologies.
Material and technical facilities include specialized training and research laboratories for physical and chemical analysis, ecology, general chemical technology, processes and tools for environmental protection and computer classes with Internet access.
Bachelors who completed their training successfully can continue their education in the University in the Master’s degree programmes “Technosphere Safety” and in the Postgraduate programme “Sciences of Earth”.
Teaching staff. The first specialists in environmental protection graduated from the Major Department of Engineering Chemistry and Industrial Ecology in 1996. The teaching staff of the Department includes 6 professors and 6 assistant professors. All teachers have academic degrees and titles.
Interaction with employers. Students obtain practical skills during their work experience in research institutes (the Centre for Environmental Safety and the Institute of High Molecular Compounds of the Russian Academy of Sciences), in companies of St. Petersburg and the region (SUE Vodokanal of Saint Petersburg, LLC “Novbytkhim”, JSC “Soviet Star”, etc.) Annually students are placed for work experience in
The graduates successfully work as engineers-ecologists at various enterprises and organizations and as teachers and experts in surveillance services including environmental and law enforcement authorities and customs.