Chemical Engineering (Bachelor's program) in Saint-Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University
Saint-Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University
Faculty of Drug Industrial Technology
Bachelor's program

MARCHENKO Aleksei Leonidovich
Teaching staff. This program is implemented by 16 departments of the university that employ over 150 teachers, 80% of whom have academic degrees of Doctors and Candidates of Sciences. The degree-granting departments are the Department of Chemical Engineering of Medicinal Substances and the Department of Industrial Technology of Medicinal Products.
Facilities and resources. The departments have state-of-the-art laboratory analytical and process equipment. When doing practical training, students actively use the GMP training center equipped with state-of-the-art devices necessary for producing various dosage forms.
Research. The teachers conduct research in the field of development of technologies, analysis methods, standardization of new and modified medicinal substances and products: search for new medicines among modified polysaccharides; chemical engineering of medicinal substances and aromatic substances; strains of plant cells; innovation technologies in the development of herbal medicinal products; research into new production technologies of natural biologically active substances (BAS) and development of new generation medicinal products; risk analysis in the quality management system.
Education. The departments use the learning process management systems. New materials are updated and added taking into account the changes in steering documents.
Strategic partners. The university pays particular attention to practical training of students, maintains contacts with pharmaceutical companies such as BIOCAD, Pfizer, Vertex, Geropharm, Novartis Neva, Pharmproject, Grotex, Medpolymer Firm, Samson-Med, Rosbio, Active Component, Pharmsynthez, Akrikhin (the Moscow Region), R-Pharm (Yaroslavl), Veropharm (
International projects and programs. The university implements a wide range of innovative educational projects with the world's top international pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer, Novartis, Abbott. Students have an opportunity to attend educational modules offered by companies' specialists in the form of lectures, hands-on classes, master classes. Upon completion of the educational module students take a test and are interviewed. The students with better scores undertake summer work placements at pharmaceutical enterprises located in
Competitive advantages. This program is a unique training program for specialists of the pharmaceutical industry. Graduates are in great demand on the labor market.