HED magazine № 5 (16) 2022
Mongolians highly value the level of Russian education and show great interest in the culture of our country. The number of quota places for studying in Russian universities is growing.
Articles of the issue

№ 5 (16) 2022
Admission Regulations At Russian Universities
Foreign citizens can take entrance exams held by the university even if they have valid results of the Unified State Exams. The admission office will take into consideration a better result.

№ 5 (16) 2022
Admission To Russian Universities
Every year the Russian Government allocates quota (free for students) places for Mongolian young people to study at Russian universities. There were 600 such places this year.

№ 5 (16) 2022
Aspects Of Admission Of Mongolian Applicants
In 2022, we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the day when the first Mongolian students were admitted to Soviet and Russian universities and more than 100 years of diplomatic relations between our friendly countries.

№ 5 (16) 2022
Belgorod State University. Admissions
The university trains top-class specialists in natural sciences, humanities, engineering sciences, pedagogy, and medical sciences. While studying, students are engaged not only in research but also in commercial projects.

№ 5 (16) 2022
Competition For Quotas To Study At Russian Universities
Every year the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia and Rossotrudnichestvo announce admission of foreign citizens, stateless persons and compatriots living abroad to study at Russian universities in state-funded places within the quota.

№ 5 (16) 2022
Moscow State University of Technology "STANKIN". Enrollment campaign
The leading technological university for digital mechanical engineering, a first-class research center. The university trains unique specialists using individual learning paths and a project-based approach to designing a curriculum.

№ 5 (16) 2022
National University Of Oil And Gas. Admission Of Foreign Citizens
The university provides training in all areas of the oil and gas industry: exploration, extraction, transportation, processing of oil and gas, creation of technology and information support for engineering processes.

№ 5 (16) 2022
Pacific National University. Admissions
PNU is one of the largest universities in Russia's Far East, the international education leader in the region. It trains specialists in a wide range of areas of engineering and technology, economics, humanities, sociology, architecture and design.

№ 5 (16) 2022
Petersburg State Transport University. Enrollment Campaign
The first engineering transport university in Russia. It provides advanced engineering training in many key areas, such as heavy haul and high-speed traffic control, magnetic levitation transport, development of digital technologies.

№ 5 (16) 2022
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University. Admission Of Foreign Citizens
Pirogov RNRMU is a leading research and education medical center that trains physicians, pharmacists, clinical psychologists, social workers, as well as unique research staff for medical biochemistry, cybernetics, biophysics.

№ 5 (16) 2022
Russia at a glance. Belgorod
The Belgorod Region is a Russian region with one of the most thriving economies. Belgorod, the capital of the Belgorod Region, boasts abundant greenery and clean air.

№ 5 (16) 2022
Russian higher education for applicants from Mongolia
Mongolia highly values the level of Russian education, shows great interest in the culture of our country. There has been an increase in the number of quota places to study at Russian universities.

№ 5 (16) 2022
Russian State University Named after A. N. Kosygin. Opportunities
A multidisciplinary research and education center with high potential and a flexible lifelong learning system. Technologies.Design.Art is a triunity containing the concept of developing the professions of the future.

№ 5 (16) 2022
Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. Admission Of Foreign Citizens
SPbGASU is a major educational and scientific center, the oldest Russian university for architecture and civil engineering with rich history and traditions. The university provides innovative development of Russia in the fields of civil engineering.

№ 5 (16) 2022
Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation. Admission Of Foreign Citizens
SUAI is one of Russia's and the world's leading academic organizations in the field of aerospace systems, control systems, state-of-the-art educational technologies. The university trains specialists in various areas of engineering.

№ 5 (16) 2022
Saint-Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design. Opportunities
SPbSUITD is a leading university for arts and technology in Russia. Major fields of study are design, fashion industry, technologies of light, printing and pulp and paper industry, chemical engineering, heat and electric power engineering.

№ 5 (16) 2022
Where To Search For The Information On Russian Universities
People mostly search for the information on Russian universities on social media platforms4, from relatives and friends, on the website of the Ministry of Education of Mongolia, radio and TV.