HED magazine № 3 (9) 2021
Interesting chemistry aspects, admission and studying in the context of the pandemic, the changes in labor legislation for international students, and some info about magic in science – a new HED issue covers all of this!
Articles of the issue

№ 3 (9) 2021
Discovering Russia. Moscow
Moscow Is One Of The World's Largest Mega-Cities. More than 60,000 foreign students study at Moscow universities.

№ 3 (9) 2021
Employment Opportunities For International Students
According to new regulations, international students may get a job in Russia without a special permit or patent, legally work during their free time.

№ 3 (9) 2021
Entering a University and Studying During Pandemic
The complicated global situation caused by Covid-19 spread has lead to the increase in the popularity of online learning.

№ 3 (9) 2021
Foreign Students Of The SibFU Undergo An Internship In Large Companies
International students of Siberian Federal University's School of Petroleum and Gas Engineering gain experience at major oil and gas enterprises. The best graduates can get a job there in the future.

№ 3 (9) 2021
Getting A Work Permit
To get a work permit, foreign citizens studying in the Russian Federation, when applying for a job at the company, submit the following documents: Work permit application, Passport and its notarized copy.

№ 3 (9) 2021
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University. Acquaintance
Sechenov University is one of the oldest internationally recognized Russian universities, the Russian medical education leader, the academic, research and resource center of excellence in Russian healthcare.

№ 3 (9) 2021
Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia. Acquaintance
The largest academic and research chemical engineering center. University graduates hold leadership positions in science and production, at government agencies, in small and large businesses.

№ 3 (9) 2021
Moscow Aviation Institute. Acquaintance
MAI trains specialists in aeronautical engineering, rocket and space technology, engine manufacturing, IT, robotics, power engineering, new materials, etc.

№ 3 (9) 2021
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Acquaintance
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology is the leading technical higher education institution in Russia, the rightful leader by the quality of enrollment and graduates' competence and skills.

№ 3 (9) 2021
Moscow State University of Technology "STANKIN". Acquaintance
The leading technological university for digital mechanical engineering. STANKIN students are in high demand in mechanical engineering and the IT industry.

№ 3 (9) 2021
National University of Oil and Gas. Adaptation
The university provides training in all areas of the oil and gas industry: from exploration, extraction, transportation, processing of oil and gas, creation of technology and information support for engineering processes.

№ 3 (9) 2021
National University of Science and Technology MISIS. Acquaintance
National University of Science and Technology MISIS is a leading technical university with a hundred-year history, where the learning process is organized at the nexus of science and technology.

№ 3 (9) 2021
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University. Enrollment Campaign
RNRMU is a leading research and education center that trains physicians, pharmacists, clinical psychologists, social workers, as well as unique academic personnel for medical biochemistry, medical cybernetics, medical biophysics.

№ 3 (9) 2021
Popular Science. Let's Have Some Chemistry. Part 1
Those who are keen on science, especially chemistry, know the name of Artem Oganov well. And those who just start showing interest in this area will be curious to find out about the world-renowned Russian chemist.

№ 3 (9) 2021
Popular Science. Let's Have Some Chemistry. Part 2
Those who are keen on science, especially chemistry, know the name of Artem Oganov well. And those who just start showing interest in this area will be curious to find out about the world-renowned Russian chemist.

№ 3 (9) 2021
Popular Science. Let's Have Some Chemistry. Part 3
Those who are keen on science, especially chemistry, know the name of Artem Oganov well. And those who just start showing interest in this area will be curious to find out about the world-renowned Russian chemist.

№ 3 (9) 2021
Russian State University named after A.N. Kosygin. Acquaintance
A multidisciplinary research and education center with high potential and a flexible lifelong learning system, from supplementary education of children, advanced education, secondary vocational education to PhD and doctoral degrees.

№ 3 (9) 2021
Why Do Chemists Need Descriptive Geometry And How To "Break Up" Chemistry?
Chemistry is a self-consistent and beautiful, and most importantly, "eternal" science. Marina Trusova, Director of the Research School of Chemistry & Applied Biomedical Sciences of Tomsk Polytechnic University, is quite certain about it.