The State University of Land Use Planning (SULUP) is one of the oldest universities in Russia. The university trains personnel for land use planning and cadastres, applied geodesy, environmental management, architecture, law, management, and other fields of study.
The university is an active member of a number of international organizations such as the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG), the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
Forms of study: full-time, part-time, and extramural.
Degree levels: Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD, and doctoral degrees.
- A degree from the leading agro-industrial Russian university
- Location in the center of Moscow
- Educational internships and industrial work placements with subsequent employment
- The opportunity to be accommodated in the SULUP dormitories
Around 20% of all foreign citizens, studying land use planning, cadastres, and land monitoring in Russia, are the SULUP students.
Since 1957, the University has trained and turned out around 100 Mongolian specialists. All SULUP graduates are senior government officials and heads of various entities in Mongolia.
The tuition fees are available on the website
Students, who are citizens of the republics of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan, can be funded from the Russian budget to pursue all study programs at the University. Citizens of other states can study on a contract basis.
The list of required documents is available on the university website.
VK – @guz_vuz
Telegram – @fgbouvoguz
Admission Office
+7 499 261-31-46
For International Applicants
Elena Neljubova
+7 901 799-71-55
Fields of study
- Management
- Land Use Planning and Cadastres
- Applied Geodesy
- Ecology and Environmental Management
- Technosphere Safety
- Geodesy and Remote Sensing
- Architecture
- Design
- Landscape Architecture
- Law
Preparatory Department
The department’s main purpose is to prepare future specialists, coming to Russia from abroad, for main educational programs.
Study areas:
- Medicine and biology
- Engineering and technology
- Economics
Duration – 1 academic year (2 semesters)
The bulk of educational work at the Preparatory Department is done by highly qualified RFL teachers with many years of working experience. In their work, the teachers use up-to-date language teaching methods and thoroughly choose the course content and techniques of its presentation depending on the study period.
At the end of the academic year, attendees take Russian language and major subject exams. When students successfully pass their exams, they get a pre-university training course completion certificate. This provides them with the opportunity to successfully continue their studies at the University or any other Russian university in the field they chose.
International attendees are accommodated in the dormitory. The dormitory is a 12-story panel building with recessed balconies. The lodging units with a total area of 40 m² include two newly renovated rooms, for 4 and 2 people, respectively.
Altantan Khonaev, Mongolia. The applicant of the Faculty of Architecture
I am 18 years old, and I have come from Mongolia to get an education at SULUP. Now I am taking Russian language courses. I want to become an architect.
I chose the State University of Land Use Planning because this university has a rich history and long-standing traditions and is located in the center of Moscow. My dormitory is quiet, comfortable, and light. The people are very kind to me.
Janlavyn Narantsatsralt (1957–2007). The graduate of the State University of Land Use Planning whose bust is installed at the Alley of Fame of the University
Janlavyn Narantsatsralt is a prominent Mongolian politician, the 20th Prime Minister of Mongolia (1998–1999), Mayor of Ulaanbaatar (1996–1998), Professor, Doctor of Sciences.