research centers and laboratories
PhD programs for research and academic staff
international students from 26 countries
Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University is the first transport higher education institution in Russia. The university trains personnel in the following fields:
- Transport and Logistics
- Civil Engineering
- Industry
- Power Engineering
- Information Technologies
- Economics and Management
- Psychology
Over 98.5% of graduates are employed by the time they get their degree.
PGUPS students get scholarships from the Russian President, the Russian Government, the Saint Petersburg Government, CEO – Chairman of the Executive Board of JSC Russian Railways.
PGUPS is ranked in the top 10% of the Global Aggregate Ranking.
Eurasian Network University of High-Speed Railways is an open international educational project implemented in cooperation with many top technical universities in Europe and Asia.
Graduates include railway transport ministers, political figures, heads of major transport, construction, industrial and research enterprises, well-known scientists, cultural workers.
Tuition fees per semester
Bachelor's, Specialist's, Master's programs 1,850 EUR and more
PhD programs 2,600 EUR and more
Student life
- Work in scientific circles and research laboratories under the supervision of the university's leading researchers
- Increased scholarships for successful research, sports, cultural and social achievements
- Student research grant competition
- 7 types of volunteering
- 16 student brigades, 4 of which work all year round
creative associations and studios
winners and prize-winners of contests, Olympiads, competitions
- Automation and Intelligent Technologies
- Transport Construction
- Railway Operation and Logistics
- Industrial and Civil Engineering
- Transport Systems and Power Engineering
- Economics and Management
- Part-Time Studies
Top 5 popular fields of study and majors among international students
- Electric Power and Electrical Engineering
- Railway Rolling Stock
- Railway Operation
- International Logistics
- Economics
Double degree programs
Jointly with the leading universities in former USSR countries and other foreign countries, PGUPS delivers the double degree programs in the following fields of study: Civil Engineering; Management; Economics; Land Transportation and Technological Complexes; Business Informatics; Electric Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering, and others.
Jointly with Beijing Jiaotong University and other leading Chinese universities, PGUPS delivers the double degree programs in Chinese:
- Construction of Railways, Bridges and Transport Tunnels
- Railway Operation
- Railway Rolling Stock
- Train Traffic Support Systems
- Technosphere Safety
- Electric Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering
International Relations Department
Provides migration and visa support to international students, and helps them handle organizational problems.
+7 812 457-80-39

Rector Oleg Valinsky is visiting Shandong University of Technology (China)
Arya Naradi Iswara, Indonesia
I went to study in Russia under the intergovernmental agreement between the Russian Federation and Indonesia. In the beginning, I studied at the university’s Russian Language Center, and only then I entered PGUPS and became a first-year student. Studying was interesting and difficult. If I had any questions or difficulties, I was helped not only by the students but also by the teachers.
I graduated from the university in 2022. I studied at the Faculty of Transport Construction, and my specialization was Construction of Railways, Bridges and Transport Tunnels.
Don't be afraid of anything, come here, the university is always waiting for you!
PGUPS International
It provides up-to-date information about PGUPS’s international activities: study abroad, double degree programs, short-term internships, lectures of foreign professors, and many other things.
VK – @interpgups
Telegram – @interpgups
PGUPS Russian Language Center
- Russian language preparatory courses for international applicants
- Individual short-term courses
- Special courses for international attendees in cultural studies, literature, stylistics, business communication, the language of mass media
- Summer and winter Russian language schools
Tuition fee per month 180 € and more
+7 812 232-61-67

The attendees of the Russian Language Center are on a tour to the Hermitage

The team of the Russian Language Center students is the winner of the Like in Saint Petersburg quest for international students
PreviousNextFor two centuries, the university has been a leading scientific and educational center of Russia.
- 15 buildings, 8 dormitories
- Geology and geodesy facility
- Physical Culture House. The sports center with a swimming pool, a gym, halls for team sports, wrestling
- The clinic
- Culture and Recreation Center including a theater studio, a video studio, a vocal studio, KVN team (a famous Russian team comedy competition), fine arts studio, various style dance studios, etc.
- Volunteering center
PGUPS cares about student security. All university buildings, including the dormitories, are guarded by the security team 24/7 and equipped with video surveillance systems.
Parents bridge
Parent's Account for getting the information on attendance, academic progress, academic, scientific, sports, and other achievements of a student.