
The image for an article
№ 3 (23) 2023
Krasnoyarsk State Medical University
Krasnoyarsk State Medical University is one of the leading medical universities in Russia. The university has ten research and education centers and several scientific schools.
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№ 3 (23) 2023
Irkutsk National Research Technical University
Apply to Irkutsk National Research Technical University (INRTU). Not only will you gain profound knowledge in your field, but you can also acquire necessary hard and soft skills that will give you an edge in your job search.
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№ 3 (23) 2023
Irkutsk State University
Irkutsk State University is the region's largest scientific and educational institution. The university provides training in a wide range of subjects in natural sciences, mathematics, humanities, social sciences, pedagogy, and linguistics.
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№ 3 (23) 2023
Belgorod State University
NRU “BelSU” is the region’s largest academic and cultural center and offers 269 higher education programs. NRU “BelSU” is also a flagship university of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization University.
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№ 3 (23) 2023
Baikal State University
Baikal State University is one of the best universities in Russia in the field of law, economics, and management, the center of attraction for international students.
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№ 2 (22) 2023
South Ural State University
South Ural State University is one of the Russian higher education leaders, the region's center for innovative development in Digital Industry, Material Science, and Ecology.
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