
The image for an article
№ 2 (6) 2020
Kostroma State University. Enrollment Campaign
KSU's priority areas of development are novel materials, information and social technologies. Supporting areas include natural sciences and humanities, machine-building and other applied engineering technologies.
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№ 2 (6) 2020
Rostov State University of Economics. Enrollment Campaign
A reputable university in the south of Russia that has transformed from a top-notch economic education center into a modern classical university with a focus on integration into the international academic community.
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№ 2 (6) 2020
Kuban State Technological University. Enrollment Campaign
KubSTU is a leading technical university in the south of Russia. It trains specialists for economic, machine building, technology, power industry, civil engineering, road transport, oil and gas extraction, social organizations.
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№ 1 (7) 2021
Lipetsk State Pedagogical University. Acquaintance
Lipetsk State Pedagogical P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky University is a regional center for social sciences, pedagogy, culture, and humanities. It trains teachers of various subjects.
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№ 2 (6) 2020
Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. Enrollment Campaign
Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering is one of the major Russian research centers in the field of architecture, urban development, construction science, and environmental engineering.
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№ 1 (7) 2021
Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University. Adaptation
Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University is one of the first engineering universities in Russia. The only Institute of Industrial and Urban Transport in the country operates on the basis of the university.
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