
The image for an article
№ 2 (6) 2020
Recognition Of Academic Credentials
Education is recognized so that applicants can gain the right to study and work. Recognition of education also confirms its importance.
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№ 1 (7) 2021
Entry To Russia During The COVID-19 Pandemic
By order of the Government of the Russian Federation as of the end of March 2021, international students, PhD students, medical residents, participants of preparatory courses are allowed to return to Russia to continue their studies.
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№ 1 (7) 2021
The Rules To Avoid Deportation
Let us see how to resolve the problems with the assistance of competent staff members from VlSU named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, and Siberian Federal University.
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№ 2 (8) 2021
Migration Registration And Student Visa Extension. KSUAE
The Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering staff members will tell you how to get registration after entering a Kazan university and what to do in a difficult situation.
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№ 2 (8) 2021
Migration Registration And Student Visa Extension. KNRTU
Here's some more information about the aspects of international students' migration registration in different regions and universities of Russia. The KNRTU staff members will tell you how to get registration after entering a Kazan university.
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№ 1 (7) 2021
Registration rules about the place of stay for foreign students
The procedures for migration registration and registration at the place of residence can have their specific features and can be carried out at the different departments, depending on the university. Now let us see how to resolve the problems.
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