
№ 5 (11) 2021
Promising programs offered by Tomsk State University
For applicants with high proficiency in English and mathematics and basic soft skills, Tomsk State University offers a double degree Master's program in Mathematical Analysis and Modeling taught in English.

№ 5 (11) 2021
Indian Talent With The Russian Soul
Somasundaram Subramanian is a famous alumnus of the Russian university. Doctor Soma – that's what his colleagues, friends and patients call him – is a talented surgical oncologist who has been saving people’s lives for many years.

Somasundaram Subramanian. Indian talent with the Russian soul
HED magazine continues to publish the interviews with the alumni of Russian and Soviet universities held by the Global Alumni Alliance.

№ 4 (10) 2021
Eastern roots and love of Russia
Russian education offers opportunities for further professional development both in our country and abroad. Leaving alma mater, some foreign citizens decide to devote their life to Russia, and others return to their home country as excellent professionals.

The Global Alumni Alliance and HED talk about education and career in Russia
The Global Alumni Alliance and the HED magazine, with their resources and opportunities pooled, will help you look at higher education in Russia through a different lens.

Scientist from Pakistan Tells about His Research at SUSU
South Ural State University has one of the best structures for scientific activity in the country. 12 laboratories are international that have been established under the supervision of leading foreign professors.