#master`s degree

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№ 2 (6) 2020
Baikal State University. Enrollment Campaign
Baikal State University graduates are in high demand in the Russian and international labor markets. BSU's key business partners are Russian and international employing companies as well as municipal, regional and federal authorities.
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New English-Taught Program: Digital Technologies in Architecture and Construction
In 2021 SUSU Institute of Architecture and Construction will introduce a new English-taught Master’s program Construction. Digitalization in Architecture and Construction training specialists ready to work in a new environment.
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Geuriciu Bonde Salomau, Angola. "If I get invited to teach at the VyatSU, I'll stay!"
Born in Angola, came in handy in Russia! Geuriciu Bonde Salomau told why he preferred VyatSU to universities in the USA, how he is going to get the university "addicted" to cardio and what is -29C for a South African.
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Welcome to the Southern Federal University Master's Program!
Southern Federal University accepts foreign applicants from near and far abroad countries.
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№ 2 (6) 2020
Enrollment campaign. Studying During The Pandemic
The coronavirus pandemic hasn’t had any impact on the inflow of international students to top Russian universities in 2020, as stated on the website of the Association of Global Universities.
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№ 2 (6) 2020
About Enrollment Campaign And More
Every year, hundreds of thousands of applicants force their way into Russian universities. In 2020, over one million applicants became students in Russia. Around 620,000 entered Bachelor’s, Specialist’s, and Master’s programs.
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