#russian language

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№ 5 (16) 2022
Belgorod State University. Admissions
The university trains top-class specialists in natural sciences, humanities, engineering sciences, pedagogy, and medical sciences. While studying, students are engaged not only in research but also in commercial projects.
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№ 5 (16) 2022
Admission Regulations At Russian Universities
Foreign citizens can take entrance exams held by the university even if they have valid results of the Unified State Exams. The admission office will take into consideration a better result.
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№ 5 (16) 2022
Admission To Russian Universities
Every year the Russian Government allocates quota (free for students) places for Mongolian young people to study at Russian universities. There were 600 such places this year.
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№ 5 (16) 2022
Where To Search For The Information On Russian Universities
People mostly search for the information on Russian universities on social media platforms4, from relatives and friends, on the website of the Ministry of Education of Mongolia, radio and TV.
Russian House
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№ 5 (16) 2022
Russian higher education for applicants from Mongolia
Mongolia highly values the level of Russian education, shows great interest in the culture of our country. There has been an increase in the number of quota places to study at Russian universities.
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№ 3 (14) 2022
Learning Russian
Natalia Tatarinova, Dean of the Pre-University Education Department of Pushkin State Russian Language Institute, answers our questions about the aspects of Russian language learning.
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