12th Azerbaijan International Education Exhibition

The 12th Azerbaijan International Education Exhibition under the motto “Invest in the Future of the Children” was held on October 11-13, 2018 at Baku Expo Center. Each year the Education exhibition gathers leading higher education institutions, secondary special education institutions, and centres for improving professional skills all onto one site. The Education exhibition is a unique place where everyone can consider a broad range of both specialties and places of study. This is the only exhibition in the country which is organized with the official support of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The exhibition also has the support of the Azerbaijan Fund for the Promotion of Export and Investment (AZPROMO), the Agency for Small and Medium Entrepreneurship Development under the Ministry of Economy of Azerbaijan and the National Confederation of Entrepreneur Organisations (Employers) of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The exhibition was organized by Caspian Event Organisers (CEO). The general sponsor of the exhibition was the Kapital Bank.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the exhibition, Minister of Education Mr. Jeyhun Bayramov emphasized that human capital is the key indicator in ensuring the development of any society in the modern world; it indicates the country's development and its integration into the world community. The Minister also stressed that the Education exhibition is an important platform for communication between young people, schools and businesses, and will create new opportunities, while revealing interesting and promising projects.
In 2018, 135 educational institutions from 12 countries of the world, representing more than 90 different faculties, took part in the Education exhibition. The joint stand organised by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan included Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry, Azerbaijan State Economics University, Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, Azerbaijan Technological University, Azerbaijan Technical University, Baku State University, Baku Engineering University, Azerbaijan National Aviation Academy, French-Azerbaijani University (UFAZ), Azerbaijan Technological University (Ganja), and others. The leading universities such as ADA University, National Aviation Academy and Azerbaijan University were presented at individual stands at the exhibition.
Within the "study abroad" sector, universities, schools, colleges, educational centers and courses were represented by such countries as Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Turkey and the Czech Republic. National stands were presented by Lithuania, Russia, Turkey and the Czech Republic.

The exhibition of 2018 stands out with an increased number of companies that represented cutting edge equipment for educational institutions and multimedia systems. From this sector, exhibition participants Lucas-Nuelle (Germany), NTP Centre (Belarus), Didactic Systems CJSC (Russia), NPP Uchtech-Profi (Russia) and Elxolding (Uzbekistan) demonstrated laboratory equipment and various IT solutions for schools and universities, including training in information technology. The exhibition provided ample opportunity for the participants to establish contacts and became familiar with suppliers and manufacturers of the above-mentioned equipment.

For three days, 15,350 people visited the exhibition. The exhibition provided a unique choice of the best education, as well as closely acquainted Azerbaijani applicants with foreign universities. In 2019, the exhibition will be held on October 10-12 at Baku Expo Center. #Education
Svetlana Hajiyeva.