Workforce Capacity of Chukotka
Educational activities
Being a multidisciplinary educational institution, which is focused primarily on the labor market of Chukotka, the college provides educational services associated with a wide range of sought-after majors. It trains specialists in major programs for mid-level and vocational jobs, organizes advanced training and professional retraining courses.
A significant part of the learning process is focused on practical activity, including professional internship and laboratory classes. This is about 60% of the total amount of the time allotted for studies including theory.
An essential factor, that increases study motivation and influences the quality of training, is acquisition of general and professional competencies. To achieve these objectives, the social partnership programs are being improved.

Lyubov V. MAKHAEVA, Director of Chukotka Multidisciplinary College, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, Honored Worker of Initial Vocational Education of Russia, Veteran of Labor:
– The particular characteristics of our region make us build the educational process in a somewhat different manner, train professional personnel, first of all, from among indigenous inhabitants. Small ethnic village settlements, scattered throughout the territory of Chukotka, which are often located very far from each other and from neighborhood centers, must be staffed with specialists in all areas.
Practical classes are mainly conducted at the facilities of enterprises and organizations of the Chukotka Autonomous Region. Among them are the district hospital,kindergarten "The Golden Key," the junior sports school, the Veterinary Office of the Department of Agricultural Policy and Nature Management, and other social facilities.
Thanks to the development of the quality management system at the college and the introduction of active pedagogical monitoring into the educational process, timely managerial decisions are made and the quality of education is properly evaluated. Such system provides feedback between the administrative and teaching staff and employers thus building corrective influence on the educational process management.
Acquaintance with science
Only educational institutions with a high level of academic potential can train personnel based on the latest achievements in science and technology. The educational process is delivered by the competent teachers that carry out their activities based on relevant qualification, accumulated experience and skill. Students are engaged in research activities under the guidance of professional tutors.
Research is conducted by the society of students and teachers "Aquilon," as well as by the scientific laboratory of history and culture of indigenous peoples of Chukotka. The college organizes students' project and research activities and the findings are presented at the all-Russian scientific and practical conference "First Steps Today, Great Science Tomorrow!"Since 2015 Chukotka Multidisciplinary College has been a regional division of the Joint Fund of Electronic Resources "Science and Education" of the Institute of Education Management of the Russian Academy of Education.
Research is conducted by the society of students and teachers "Aquilon," as well as by the scientific laboratory of history and culture of indigenous peoples of Chukotka. The college organizes clubs and creative workshops, holds olympiads in mother tongues. The students' project and research findings are published in collections of papers and presented at the all-Russian scientific and practical conference "First Steps Today, Great Science Tomorrow!" In spring 2018 this event brought together over 300 people. There were 26 thematic sessions including six sessions conducted in the following areas: "History Comes Closer," "My Lesser Motherland," "The Capital of Student Life," "Life is Beautiful," "Keep Healthy," "Water is Life," "Plenty of Ideas." The works of 20 research laboratories were also presented, including "Technology of Applied and Decorative Arts and Handicrafts," "Computer Network Administration Management," "Development, Introduction and Adaptation of Industrial Software," "Delivery of Obstetric and Gynecologic Care," "Basics of Non-Standard Equipment and Accessories Design," "Selected Sports with Methods of Training and Supervision of Sportsmen's Competitive Activities," "Social Welfare Law," "Current Issues in Bioethics," etc.
Since 2015 Chukotka Multidisciplinary College has been aregional division of the Joint Fund of Electronic Resources "Science and Education" of the Institute of Education Management of the Russian Academy of Education.
Personal education
Considering high-quality training of specialists as an interrelated process of all educational activities, the administrative staff of the college routinely develops a goal-oriented student mentoring system. The college creates all necessary conditions for training a motivated competitive specialist and a moral human being. Implementing such a system, the college can give students moral compass, a strong spiritual basis, genuine life values, rather than ostensible ones. Systematic influence leads to the development of the "individual –citizen – specialist" model.
Involvement in various out-of-class activities in the group and at the department, both inside and outside the college, contributes to active personality development and professional competence. There are special interest circles, clubs and studios guided by talented specialists. The performance groups defend the honor of the college at regional, all-Russian and international contests and festivals.
The college's claim to fame is the student ethnic dance ensemble "Ankalin," which celebrated its 12th anniversary in 2017. The ensemble participates in numerous city and district concerts, competitions and festivals including the Day of Education of the Chukotka Autonomous District, festivals "My Chukotka" and "Ergav," the creative contest "Puturen," professional master classes.
The administrative and teaching staff of Chukotka Multidisciplinary College aim high. Their goals include training of competitive graduates prepared for professional activity thanks to well-developed abilities, well-formed competencies, skills, personality traits and the sense of civic duty. High quality of training is confirmed by diplomas and awards for successful participation in competitions of different levels for students of educational institutions of secondary vocational education. For example, in 2018 the college hosted the regional stage of the WorldSkills Russia championship in the Early Childhood Education competency, where college student Marina Rykeva took the first place.
One of priority areas is sports and recreation work that suggests not only doing physical exercise and sports, participation in sports festivals and health days, but also popularization of healthy lifestyle. Six specialized sports clubs are successfully functioning at the college. The volleyball and basketball teams are frequent prize winners of city and district competitions.
Implementing its development plan, Chukotka Multidisciplinary College enhances competitiveness and increases professional mobility of graduates. It applies a practice-oriented approach and innovations to the full extent, which makes professional education more accessible in the region.