Best Educational Programs: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
Department of Management in the Fuel and Energy Sector
Bachelor’s program

PLIONKINA, Vera Vladimirovna
Head of the Department
Awards and achievements of the educational program. This program was recognized as one of the best programs within the project Best Educational Programs of Innovative Russia.
Industrial University of Tyumen offers some more best educational programs in the field of Economics and Management:
ECONOMICS - Bachelor’s program, Master’s program
MANAGEMENT - Bachelor’s program, Master’s program
Teaching staff. The educational program is implemented by the highly qualified teaching staff. Most of them have academic degrees and titles and wide research experience. The heads and senior employees of specialized organizations are also engaged in the educational process.
University partners within the educational program. Universities: the State University of Management (Moscow); Dostoevsky Omsk State University.
Employing enterprises: LUKOIL-Engineering, Zapsibkombank, the Kogalym NIPIneft research and design institute, oil and gas companies such as RN-Uvatneftegaz, Gazprom Transgaz Surgut, Slavneft-Megionneftegaz; the Antipinsky Refinery, West Siberian Construction Company, and others.
Students’ and alumni’s achievements. The great majority of alumni are employed within their degree field at partner enterprises. About 20% Bachelor’s degree holders pursue a Master’s degree. Our students take an active part in annual events such as the international student electronic conference “Student Scientific Forum” (Moscow); the All-Russian Economic Forum of research works of young scientists and students “Competitiveness of Territories” (Yekaterinburg); contests of research works and olympiads held by the Youth Union of Economists and Financiers of the Russian Federation; the research conference of young specialists of the Transneft and the Transneft Siberia oil companies; the international research conference on new technologies for the oil and gas region.
Facilities and resources. Students can benefit from 14 student associations, over 100 studios, clubs and on-stage performance groups, 32 specialized sports clubs. The university has 13 comfortable dormitories, a disease prevention center and the Olympia sports and recreation camp. The training sessions take place in classrooms equipped with computer, projection, audio and video equipment and interactive visualization devices.
Opportunities for students. The department has been implementing the Basics of Banking specialized educational program in cooperation with Zapsibkombank for three years.
Employment prospects. A position of HR manager includes a wide range of responsibilities, so the choice of careers is rather wide. Alumni can work in different business companies and independent recruitment agencies.