Best Educational Programs: ECONOMICS
Faculty of Finances and Economics
Bachelor’s program

NIKOLAEV, Mikhail Alekseevich
Program Director
Awards and achievements of the educational program. The program was listed in the reference book Best Educational Programs of Innovative Russia in 2016 and 2017.
Pskov State University also offers a Bachelor's program in Management
Teaching staff. M.A. Nikolaev, the Dean of the faculty, is a holderof the title of Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation. He is the author of 160 research and methodological works. The faculty and all the departments included in the faculty are headed by Doctors of Sciences, Professors. Young researchers of the Faculty of Finances and Economics annually win in the research contest for postgraduate students and young researchers organized at Pskov State University.
University partners within the educational program. The University of Latvia, the University of Turku (Finland), Roskilde University (Denmark), the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan.
Students’ achievements. Students regularly take part and win in national and international student competitions and conferences, internet olympiads. For excellence in studies students are awarded scholarships granted by the President and the Government of the Russian Federation, the Administration of the Pskov Region, the faculty partners—the VTB bank, Sberbank of Russia and the Russian Agricultural Bank. For exceptional achievements students get enhanced scholarships of Pskov State University.
Facilities and resources. The faculty have adequate facilities and resources to deliver the program: five multimedia classrooms, three computer classrooms, two laboratories. There is a modern library with e-reading room, a cozy cafe and an affordable canteen, a swimming pool and a modern gym.
Opportunities for students. Students undergo academic and predegree training. The faculty has over 190 agreements on cooperation with employer companies which offer students on-the-job placements from a variety of spheres: regulatory and administrative authorities, banks, insurance companies, treasury and tax authorities, the chamber of commerce and industry, the Moglino industrial special economic zone, other enterprises and entities of the region.
Every year the faculty hosts international research and practical conferences and workshops, participates in the work of international educational exhibitions in Latvia, Bulgaria, Tajikistan, etc. Students of the faculty take an active part in student exchange programs between Pskov State University and HEIs of Tajikistan, Germany, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Finland, and the USA.
Employment prospects. Economist, accountant, bank officer, credit manager, insurance manager, investment broker, tax inspector.