Best Educational Programs: MANAGEMENT
Department of Management
Bachelor’s program

LUCHITSKAIA, Liudmila Bogdanovna
Program Director
Awards and achievements of the educational program. In 2015-2016 the program underwent the full procedure of professional-public accreditation carried out by the Association of Managers (the accreditation certificate is valid for three years). The department participated in the Federal Targeted Program for support of research and academic staff of the innovative Russia (2009-2013) and in the long-term targeted program for development of medium-sized and small businesses in the Moscow Region (2009-2012).
University of Technology also offers a Bachelor's program in Economics
Teaching staff. The educational program is delivered by the highly qualified teaching staff holding academic degrees of Doctor of Sciences (15%) and Candidate of Sciences (over 73%). Among the teachers of the program: N.A. Adamov, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Management, a member of the International Logistics Club, Director General of the ITKOR research institute for product distribution and commercial opportunities on the wholesale market; T.N. Antipova, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Associated Professor, a holder of the title of Distinguished Irrigation Engineer of the RF, a holder of the National Ecology Award of 2007; M.S. Abrashkin, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associated Professor, the author and co-author of six monographs and 40 research papers, a holder of the National Treasure of Russia medal for research achievements, and many others.
University partners within the educational program. In 2014 the North-East regional research and education cluster was established under the university. The cluster includes such enterprises as Tactical Missiles Corporation; the TSNIIMASH Central Research Institute of Machine Building; the NPO IT company manufacturing telemetric, sensory and microeletronic equipment for missile and space engineering; Maksimov Research Institute of Space Systems; Isaev Development Laboratory of Chemistry Machine Building; the Research Center of Metrology of the Ministry of Defense of the RF, etc.
Students’ achievements. The students take part in research conferences, round tables and olympiads in management, among their achievements there is a certificate of the all-Russian olympiad in management for the best project of business company development (A.S. Vinogradova, Iu.G. Gureeva); a Category I laureate certificate of the Intellectual Assets XXI absentia competition of student research works (V.E. Zakharova). Eighty percent of graduates from the program are employed by enterprises of Moscow and the Moscow Region.
Facilities and resources. The university has all necessary learning resources and facilities. Students benefit from two academic buildings with modern multimedia classrooms.
Opportunities for students. Students participate in the academic mobility programs that are implemented by the university in several ways: two-sided agreements on cooperation with partner universities (universities of Italy, Germany, the UK, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, etc.); within the framework of the Erasmus+ program; with the assistance of the Ministry of Education and Science of the RF. The university partners are Vitebsk State Technological University (Belarus), Riga Technical University (Latvia), New Bulgarian University (Bulgaria), EuroSwiss University (Switzerland), etc.
Employment prospects. Logistics manager, HR manager, specialist in transport logistics, project manager, etc.