Best Educational Programs: HEAT POWER ENGINEERING
Institute of Transport Engineering and Control Systems
Bachelor’s programme
Master’s programme

MINAEV, Boris Nikolaevich
Head of the department
Programme presentation. Bachelor’s programme “Heat-Power Engineering” of the educational profile “Industrial Heat Power Energy” is one of the most popular specializations in the
Objects of professional activity of the Department’s graduates are engineering units for producing, sharing and using heat, such as steam and hot-water boilers of various application; steam and gas turbines; power supply units, high-pressure and liquid gas production units; air-conditioning systems; heat pumps; systems of heating, hot water supply and ventilation; units, systems and complexes of high temperature and low temperature technologies; chemical reactors; heat networks; process liquids, gases, solid and granular substances; machines and processes of fuel combustion, nonconventional heat power sources; energy saving technologies; regulatory technical documentation and systems of standardization; methods and means of equipment testing; quality control of output.
Teaching staff. Training is conducted by professors, assistant-professors and other teachers, whose basic education complies with the profiles of the taught educational disciplines. The Department’s teaching staff consists of two doctors of technical sciences, a professor, nine Candidates of Technical Sciences.
Famous researchers – heat engineers worked at the Department: academicians M.V. Kirpichyov and M.A. Mikheev, professors A.V. Naumov, V.V. Luknitsky, P.L. Davidson, R.G. Granovsky, V.M. Tareev, P.K. Konakov, G.F. Bolhovitinov, M.G. Mahanko, L.F. Fyodorov, R.V. Malov and others.
Compatitiveness of students. The average passing grade for the Programme’s applicants is 181.
Students have the possibility to participate in research activity of the department, present at annual students’ research conferences followed by publication of the research results in MSURE’s digests.
Interaction with employers. The department tightly cooperates with Moscow Joint Energy Company (MJEC) and relevant departments of OJSC “Russian Railways”. Students undertake educational practice, internship and pre-graduation practice in the above listed companies, construction bureaus and design institutions of the heat power energy sector.
The Programme’s graduates are strongly demanded by the national labor market. Specialists in heat power energy have ample opportunities for career progress. They are employed in all Russian regions as operating staff of heat power energy equipment and systems, designers, computing engineers and researchers.