Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Bachelor’s programme
Master’s programme

VEDERNIKOV, Alexander Sergeevich
Chair of the Department
HEI’s image. The Faculty of Electrical Engineering of SamSTU is almost of the same age as the Russian power industry. At the moment it is the largest educational centre both in the region and in the Volga Federal District, which carries out training of specialists in production, distribution and consumption of electric energy.
Programme presentation. Quality training of bachelors and masters in the given area is impossible without the use of modern material and technical resources. Thus, laboratory and practical classes are conducted in the training centres of the Faculty – “SamSTU-Electroshchit” and “SamSTU-Schneider Electric”, and lectures are carried out in the classrooms equipped with multimedia facilities.
Teaching staff. The teaching staff of the Faculty is represented by highly qualified teachers. Among them there are 18 professors, four honoured scientists of the RF, 15 members of industrial and public academies of the RF, honoured inventor of the RF (V.N.ˇMikhelkevich), honoured worker of higher education of Russia and honoured power engineer of the RF (L.S.Zimin). Three staff members are awarded the badge “Inventor of the
Competitiveness of students. During the period of training students have an opportunity to undergo internships within academic exchange programmes in cooperation with Technical University of Dresden,
Graduates in the given area are leading specialists of power industry in the Middle Volga Region and oil and gas supervisory authorities of
A lot of graduates are heads of energy departments of the major industrial companies such as JSC “FSK EES Rossii”, LLC “Volga Energo”, JSC “Samaraenergo”, Interregional Dispatching Office of the Middle Volga, JSC “MRSK Volgi”. The graduates also chair a lot of electrical engineering companies: JSC “Zavodimeni A.M.ˇTarasova”, JSC “Electroshchit”, JSC “SamarskiyTransformator”.
Interaction with employers. Since 2009, the Faculty has annually conducted the events aimed at the formation of the personnel reserve of JSC “SO EES” within the project “secondary school – HEI – enterprise” under the aegis of the charity fund “Nadezhnayasmena”. There is a summer educational camp “YunyiEnergetik”.
Within the joint delivery of the educational Master’s degree programmes the contracts are signed with the branch of JSC “SO EES” of the Middle Volga and with CJSC “GK “Elektroshchit” – TM Samara”.