Business Informatics in Industrial University of Tyumen

Bachelor's program


Institute of Service and Industry Management,

Department of Business Informatics and Mathematics



Program Director


Tel: +7 3452 28-30-47



Awards and achievements. Teachers and students take part in All-Russian Olympiad "I am a Professional," RFBR grants "Human Capital of the Arctic Region in the Concept of Spatial Development of Russia" (2020-2022) as part of the project "Information and Analytical System for Monitoring the Social Potential of the Arctic Zones of Russian Federation." "Model of Transformation of Urban Transport Systems Considering the Effect of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Economy and Society" (2021-2023) as part of the project "Implementation of Neural Networks in Urban Transport System Management."

Teaching staff. The percentage of scientific degree holders is over 87, including eight Doctors of Sciences. Representatives of the real sector of the economy are involved in teaching.

Facilities and resources. The financial and technical foundation complies to the Federal State Educational Standard requirements. During the educational process, students learn professional software skills (1C:Enterprise 8.3, ARIS Express, ELMA Community Edition, Bizagi Modeler, Anylogic (Personal Learning Edition), Power BI, etc.), as well as learning modern programming languages such as Python, С#, C++, Java, JavaScript.

The Department has a laboratory of SAP Next-Gen Lab and business analytics, where shaping of digital educational and scientific research ecosystem of IUT is carried out.

Research. Development of a visualization system for models of dynamic pricing of real estate objects. Analysis and optimization of business processes for real estate design and construction. Optimization of design solutions for ground infrastructure facilities for oil and gas fields. Machine learning and data analysis in the urban traffic management system. Development of innovative web services for city companies and organizations. Intelligent management system for logistics.

Education. The program is carried out with the help of IT, project education, case studies, personal educational trajectories.

Strategic partners. E-Soft, Creative, Gazprom-Neft Science and Engineering Center, Agricultural Company Borovskaya, Strana Development Group.

International projects and programs. International project "Social Potential in the Conditions of Neoindustrial Development of Yamal Sector of the Arctic Zone of Russian Federation".

Competitive advantages. State-of-the-art financial and technical foundation and educational technologies, highly qualified teaching staff, involvement of the representatives of the real sector of the economy.
